FTW Did we finally arrive

Day 3,179, 15:59 Published in Serbia Ireland by Releasethe Krakken

Today I went voting and ended up in a bar. A couple of rounds later and some talking later I really are getting a but weary of the new generation.

Used to be one could go out and talk to the fairer sex and actually understand what they were saying.

Used to be 1 man went out with 1 woman and mingled for an evening together. Used to be...

The rules of engagement was pretty easy to understand

Men woman you like him/her you giggled at his/her stupid jokes?

And then came the Internet:

yolo rtf acronym after acronym words typed a half of their original 4 to 5 letters.

At this stage I am a bit confused?

Maybe I am going crazy or maybe I just need someone talking my language

Perhaps learn the meaning of std and then we can return to normal stuff this facebookedsinstagramedwhatsappedtwittered crap excuse of a language doesnt make any sense to me anymore.

Learning to walk again - Dave Grohl

The axeman cometh[/img]

Probably my favorite song atm

Best of you - Dave Grohl(acoustic)