From the land of the rising sun

Day 1,842, 20:22 Published in Japan Republic of China (Taiwan) by SakiNight

Our great nation, which has been under siege for longer than i can tell, By a larger neighboring country, Must retake what was once ours, we have reformed our borders and are fighting back against The Republic of China (Taiwan). But we must also remember what keeps our world moving forward.

Culture, Economy, and Unity.

We must achieve the utmost power in them to be the great nation we are meant to be. The Otaku, of the world which see through anime colored glasses, should know that if anything, we cannot sit around and let this happen to the center of our strength and love.

Forever, has this land of beauty and ingenuity has been plagued by the constant strife of war. But soon we must become one! Even when our ideals are not of the same, or our goals on the same path. We must all know that no man, woman, or child of japan should be forced to work for the foolish soldiers that have taken our land and driven us from our home. Together as one, even when fighting separate. We shall strive!

(short but i try to keep to the point)

~Otaku Force Party