Forged in Battle: We want You to Join the Foreign Legion

Day 505, 19:22 Published in Thailand Thailand by Tomma van den Bosch

Calling all warriors! Help defend Thailand and stop Evil Chinese and Danish aggression! Join the Thai Foreign Legion.

The Thai Foreign Legion is a squad for those seeking a little adventure away from the nation of their birth. The TFL does not check criminal records or ask for a drug test. This is for you is a fresh start. You assume a new identity as a warrior within the Legion.

To join the Thai Foreign Legion [3:url= xNdm9Td1NPWHc6MA..]go here[/3:url]: iewform?hl=en&formkey=cGFkSzZZWHpybExuYW x Ndm9Td1NPWHc6MA..

Join now. We go to battle soon.