Fix the Tickets or Flanking the Counter

Day 4,034, 18:49 Published in USA USA by General Hi Story of Trite

In response to GoldeNNN call for signatures upon his petition countering wait I read as a desire for more mobility within the game for the advanced and/or visa wielding player, I offer a more simple and direct fix upon mobility for all. Fix the ticket option in moving. Allow for the purchase of a debit card (much like overtime tickets, but decreasing as travel acquires), simplest thing, do away with the individual tickets and introduce travel coupons Q1 100 thru Q5 500. One Q1 would allow 5 trips to neighboring regions. Honestly the present system of placing a Q5 ticket on the market, so as to only pay 20 cc to move is a bare. We all know that the Weekly Challenge giving away Q5s made a mockery of an industry, let us start replacing patches with proper fixes for the game so many of use have enjoyed over these years.

This petition brought to you by the Trite drive by media, hoping to give you the voter/player a reason to want to vote for my party's congressional caucus. And Trite On!