First Day in a New Home

Day 1,805, 11:50 Published in India Canada by Chamrajnagar
Congratulations, your citizenship application in India has been accepted! You now have the right to vote, join a political party and run in elections.Your companies will now receive productivity bonus for resources found in India.

Thank you very much Abhishek Ray. I hope that I will be able to demonstrate that the faith you've put in me (and my friends) was well founded.

I won't bore you with a recount of my full eLife. Suffice it to say that I was born in eCanada, moved to the eUS, and am now here and eager to find a community worth being active in.

I've heard (aka read) a number of arguments both for and against my immigration. The main argument against is that we're unknowns and therefore a potential PTO threat.

Let's change that.

My intent is to immerse myself in your community, and become eIndian in more than CS. Will I be involved in the political module? Yes, because in my opinion active, involved citizens should be. However, not for awhile. I don't know enough of the culture, mechanisms, etc. yet to effectively be involved, accurately represent my constituents, or be trusted.

For now, I'm content in being active in the media and economic modules as I get settled in.

To help with that, I'd like to make a lot of eIndian friends. Every eIndian who friends me will get a small host gift, to show my appreciation for being invited in to your community.