Finnish Wanhat Parrat Army - No 1 Military Unit

Day 1,867, 04:33 Published in USA Finland by Werde1

eDay 1865 was different, Wanhat Parrat Army (WPA) from Finland did it’s third inventory and small playful competition called ’kill them all’. This means that all active fighters fought hard and wrote their damage into Google docs. I have put together some data based on this inventory, eRepublik top100 fighter list and data from egov4you. Best fighters will be awarded and the prizes are amazing! To mention some of the prizes: 64 gold, around 2000 x Q7 weapons, around 1000 x Q6 weapons, 1000 x Q7 food, etc.

At that day Wanhat Parrat Army was #1 at egov4you military rankings. WPA was fighting with 109 fighters around the world for our allies. I calculated more than 67 Battle Hero medals, 10 Campaing Hero medals and one Mercenary medal. There was 17 WPA fighters at eWorlds top100 list at that day. These 17 fighters total influence (damage) was more than 932 millions. All together WPA’s active fighters reported influence that was 1346 millions.

Just to mention one Battle Hero hunter, Riba from third division who toke 6 Battle Hero medals and one Campaing Hero medal. Quite impressing.

eWorld's top 5 fighters at eDay 1865

eWorld's top 5 fighters at eDay 1866, some of us just keep on rocking

egov4you does not count rockets, it cuts the day at 22.00 erep time and it has skipped eDay 1864 (missing damage), however it gives a tool to compare military units. In egov4you WPA’s 109 active fighters total influence was 782 millions. To compare, at egov4you in second place there was Polish Civil Army with its 934 active fighters and 744 million influence. At seventh place there was The Special Forces and they did 357 millions influence.

egov4you, top military units at eDay1865

ego4you, Wanhat Parrat Army - Overview

As mentioned ‘Kill them all’ is a competition and best fighters are awarded. Here are the results.

Open series, 10 best fighters based on influence. Total influence 1 346 millions.

1 Kipusikapusiputosi….197 096 760
2 Kostaja…………………….92 348 762
3 PunaniskaVasili……….83 119 992
4 Katomi ……………………78 673 771
5 JudasGoat……………….62 119 658
6 Werde1…………………..46 608 618
7 Riba………………………..44 583 355
8 Varma von Velig……..43 896 560
9 Feuerstrahl………………43 392 464
10 Repe Ruutikallo……….42 906 633

Open series, 10 best fighters based on fights. Total fights 23 400.

1 Kipusikapusiputosi…….2696
2 Katomi………………………1514
3 PunaniskaVasili…………1477
4 hailuotolainen………….1372
5 Kostaja …………………….1153
6 Riba …………………………831
7 Juhanuha…………………747
8 Digas99……………………734
9 Klarifyn……………………721
10 Melap……………………634

Division 4, 10 best fighters based on influence. Total influence 1 048 millions.

1 Kipusikapusiputosi………197 096 760
2 Kostaja…………………………92 348 762
3 PunaniskaVasili ……………83 119 992
4 Katomi…………………………78 673 771
5 JudasGoat……………………62 119 658
6 Werde1 ………………………46 608 618
7 Varma von Velig …………43 896 560
8 Feuerstrahl…………………43 392 464
9 Repe Ruutikallo …………42 906 633
10 Kuuro Kana………………40 786 397

Division 4, 10 best fighters based on fights. Total fights 14 225.

1 Kipusikapusiputosi………2696
2 Katomi…………………………1514
3 PunaniskaVasili……………1477
4 Kostaja ……………………… 1153
5 Melap………………………… 634
6 JudasGoat……………………614
7 Werde1………………………605
8 Outti ………………………… 541
9 Repe Ruutikallo………… 481
10 Joogeburi…………………460

Division 3, 10 best fighters based on influence. Total influence 269 millions.

1 Riba………………………44 583 355
2 Fozzie69……………… 29 886 859
3 hailuotolainen …… 29 474 681
4 Beetlish ………………19 436 920
5 Klarifyn ……………… 19 170 002
6 maiklou……………… 16 858 007
7 Kissaki …………………13 690 800
8 Alex Hell………………12 805 638
9 Telocvovim………… 11 725 569
10 Cojootit …………… 11 573 184

Division 3, 10 best fighters based on fights. Total fights 6 822.

1 hailuotolainen………1372
2 Riba………………………831
3 Klarifyn…………………721
4 Fozzie69……………… 585
5 maiklou ……………… 466
6 Beetlish ……………… 411
7 Kissaki………………… 363
8 Fitu …………………… 334
9 dapaduu………………236
10 Alex Hell…………… 226

Division 2, best fighters based on influence. Total influence 37 millions.

1 Juhanuha………………………10 854 973
2 Digas99………………………… 5 274 480
3 Kansalainen Jarkko ……… 4 818 384
4 Klinga80…………………………4 771 106
5 Vandahl………………………… 2 990 759
6 Mauri Ahtaanluoma………2 806 150
7 Pfauter ………………………… 2 444 002
8 Harjakainen……………………2 240 478

Division 2, best fighters based on fights. Total fights 2 353.

1 Juhanuha……………………… 747
2 Digas99………………………… 734
3 Vandahl…………………………157
4 Kansalainen Jarkko ……… 153
5 Klinga80…………………………151
6 Mauri Ahtaanluoma………135
7 Harjakainen ………………… 130
8 Pfauter ………………………… 81