Day 963, 16:42 Published in USA USA by Blazix
Alexander_Hamilton: .seen fingerguns
GeorgeWashington: fingerguns was last seen here 14 days, 16 hours, 6 minutes ago.

Yep, it has been a long time. Everyone has been wondering where she went and what happened to her. She usually writes frequently but her last article was published [url=
]25 days ago[/url].

The Feds have already spoken, they want fingerguns back. America has spoken, America want fingerguns back. And guess what -

We will bring fingerguns back!

You would say, “fingerguns wouldn’t leave like this”. You are right, she would not leave like that. After investigating a lot and talking to different sources about the issue, it has been found out that the Serbians took her away from us.


Agent2: Sir, it has been found out that the Serbians took fingerguns away.
Blazix: WHAT?
Agent3: My reliable sources confirm what Agent1 said too, sir.
Agent3: It was not the Kommie squirrel, sir. It was the Serbians.
Blazix: NOOO! How can we get her back?
Agent4: I am afraid there is only one way to do so.
Blazix: That would be?
Agent4 looks at Agent1
Agent1: attack serbia.
Blazix: ...

America, we gotta do something about this. We cannot let the Serbians take fingerguns away.

Do something America, DO SOMETHING!


For you, fingerguns <3
~ Blazix