Fetch a fat lady to sing for me.

Day 2,158, 14:45 Published in Canada Canada by The.Puppeteer

After contemplating whether I would two click for awhile or just up and leave, I have decided to do the latter.

5 years is a long time to play this game. Yes, surprise surprise, I was a multi for lack of a better word. I prefer to call it being reborn. Although that sounds rather religious... hmmm. Maybe rekindling? Anyways, this game has provided a lot of entertainment over the years. From great wars, alliances, etc, etc, to, again for lack of a better word, "meeting" new people. If there is one thing I have learned, and can leave behind for those who will continue to play, is this. Power corrupts, but only if you allow it to, you are a servant of this great *Insert your country* nation, not its master. Along the road less traveled, you will be faced with many challenges, ones that you will instinctively seek to overcome by any means necessary; but remember the common goal of the people, for it is the only thing that will really matter. Absolute power will always appear to be the easiest solution, but do not let zealous thoughts overcome prudent action. You must keep patience and prudence as your guides; for the quick fix is rarely the best option.

I prefer to reflect on the positive than the negative in my final article. There really isn't a good reason I can come up with to bash this game. It has provided me with something to do over the years, and I would rather look at it that way than in its current state. I don't think I have to justify myself for leaving. We all have our own reasons for playing or quitting this game. I guess the easy answer is my lack of interest has finally exceeded my interest to log in.

Queen says it better than I do.

Moving on...

I did actually get a nice surprise this morning after using up all of my energy bars and storage.

Didn't think that would ever happen with all the Visa warriors out there, but hey, I am taking that as an omen that quitting now is the right time.

To all of those I have worked with over the years *bows* it has been a slice. To those who didn't like me, well, you know... You were probably an inferior mind and didn't like hearing it. Too bad. Take it as a life lesson.

As much as I would love to sit here and rattle off names and give thanks to certain people, I won't. It will take far too long, and reminiscing was the only thing that kept me logging in for awhile.

“Everybody is special. Everybody. Everybody is a hero, a lover, a fool, a villain. Everybody. Everybody has their story to tell.”

Cheers, one final time.


For the other people that are in the know or will figure it out one day...

England Prevails!