Farewall and adieu o7

Day 1,423, 16:24 Published in Brazil Romania by dracones4ever

I have been playing this game for over two years. I trained with boosters most of the time, which is why I became one of erep's strongest guys. Vast majority of gold I spent on that was bought from admins. Today's change crossed out all the effort and money I put in this game. The damage bazooka is going to deal from now on is ridiculous. After putting so much effort, everybody will be able to deal more damage than me, no matter how long somebody has played for. I submitted a ticket, and the answer I got from the admins was "you can use bazookas as well", which means to me "someone's beaten you - buy gold", therefore I decided not to be manipulated anymore, and as a result - quit this game.

Enough about that, this article was not meant to be all about complaining. Its purpose is to express my thanks to:

-Konstal for making me a diplomat and helping me out in the early days of NWO

-kbss for attempting to teach me some strategy

-Romper for one short conversation which made me who I am now in my e-life

-Requel for the trust he put in me


-Military Units I have been a part of: Husaria, DRAKE, EMC, POW, FM

-All those in EDEN and Terra, for trusting me despite my irl nationality

And finally, I thank all of you, who crossed my e-path, and took more or less significant part in it. It was a pleasure to meet you all.