EZC Is Not For Me

Day 1,428, 13:25 Published in USA USA by Kara Zor El

(continued from previous article)

So, what was it? You may ask. What tipped the scales? What finally made me say enough of this crap? I could still be EZC and leave the Feds. Well, I made another visit to the forum and checked out a post in the EZC section. There, a member of EZC was complaining that the "in crowd" was holding him back from advancing in rank. He expressed a desire to leave EZC on this account. I think he wanted to be captain of a regiment in the last election. The problem does not lie with him. It lies in the the response. Also, trust me. There is an "in crowd"

Next thing you know, Jacksondr5, our fearless leader, posted a new thread, in response, cursing out EZC, F-bombs and all. Last I heard, captain of a regiment is not the only opportunity for advancement in EZC to make a name for yourself. Why was this not told to new EZC members? Why is it okay for a leader to curse at EZC in the forum for all to see, but I can't call someone rude in IRC without a backlash? There is a major double standard here. I wouldn't be surprised if that post gets edited or deleted to avoid further embarrassment to the party and EZC. To think that a so called leader in the party finds it okay to post that trash is beyond excusable.

Strike three! It is right then and there, I left the party and EZC. It was abundantly clear that the party had been PTO'd by a bunch of elitists who think their way is better. I have been in conflict with them since their arrival. You will see what I mean as I continue. They finally got what they wanted, me to leave.

Still, at this point, it may have been possible to salvage this mess and get me to return. There are still Feds who have recently become active again which do not wish me to go. I will miss them. Some sort of compromise could have been made. I may even have swallowed the bitter pill and apologized just to smooth things over. Of course, it would have been an insincere apology, but it's what was wanted. Then, something happened which turned me from angry and stubborn to furious and relentless. To say that one of the Fed leaders crossed the line, is putting it mildly. If you are still unaware, you're going to be shocked. You want to know why I blew up at freckledick? Read on.

(to be continued)