Everybody Loves Trite... or do they?

Day 5,820, 16:52 Published in USA USA by Pfenix Quinn
Vol.1, No.5, Day 5820 -
"I.T. Pushes All the Buttons"

Special Pre-Election Edition!

In today's edition of I.T., we delve into the intriguing world of a frequent contender for e-USA's highest office, the modestly amusing comedian, but quite competent artist -- our beloved yet irksomely obsessive-compulsive pseudo-troll: Trite of the northern penguins.

It's often been said that Trite's closest encounter with a brainstorm is on par with a light drizzle - not exactly the thunderstorm of enlightenment. Or, as my dear friend, the Reverend Sam Seabury, pondered many moons ago, in response to one of Trite's previous incarnations during an equally characteristic bout of perplexing diatribes: "I neither possess the time nor the crayons required to enlighten you."

But let's be clear; we're just pulling your leg.

Now, there's no denying that Trite doesn't have a fan club the size of the Colossus of Rhodes. His passion for ceaseless, ruthless haranguing over imaginary grievances and perceived moral lapses in a realm that's just a browser game, coupled with a shortage of humor bordering on alexithymia, has ruffled more feathers than a turkey at Thanksgiving. If that weren't enough, his glum sophistries, like renaming the venerable "United States Workers Party" to "fluffers fandango and roast," are nothing short of scorching wit!

However, in the grand tapestry of the e-USA's history, Trite holds a peculiar but undeniable place. Just like institutional racism, for-profit health care, the widening wealth gap, and the paranoia surrounding vaccines, Trite has become an American institution in his own right.

To fathom the essence of this unique character, we scoured through Trite's own writings...

Everybody Loves Trite... or do they?

FUN FACT! - Trite pretended to be an innocent noob

Our friend Trite, formerly known as the illustrious George Pumpkinette, had already spent numerous years in the game when he made his grand return on Day 4366. In a brilliant display of surrealistic wit within his newspaper, The Galactic Pot Healer, he feigned ignorance, stating, "I don't know what is going on or what I am supposed to do," and proceeded to beseech unsuspecting players for an influx of supplies. A masterstroke of deception!

This dazzling debut resembled a crafty Sicilian Defense in chess, wouldn't you say? Following this, he graced us with an article, aptly named "Shameless Call for Comments." Remarkably, it contained actual content - an uncommon sight in a world where some audaciously solicit comments without contributing anything substantial themselves. But Trite, the freshly minted Citizen, was different. He thoughtfully treated us to a copy-pasta of internet's most lackluster jokes. Kudos!

FUN FACT! - Trite just wanted to help others... and fix their tone

Maintaining the facade of an "innocent rube," Trite embarked on a quest for friend requests, revealed his aspirations to run for the Party President position in the USWP, and offered a suggestion so clumsily phrased that it sent everyone into bewildered silence - a choice that naturally didn't escape his keen observation. In the subsequent gripping installment of "Pot Boiler," he bemoaned the lack of sportsmanship displayed by those who disregarded his ramblings and ambiguously proclaimed, "I will just request comments and not thoughts."

Here, the narrative took an intriguing turn, with foreshadowing subtly woven into the fabric of the story. Initially, he posed a legitimate question regarding strategies and tactics for acquiring the "Air Battle Medal" (or Sky Hero, for the initiated). This topic shall resurface near the end of our analysis. Then, within the comments section, he engaged in an ongoing exchange with rainy sunday, a USA expatriate. She suggested that he might consider utilizing his skills to provide game tips and chronicle the new player experience. In response, he appeared somewhat disgruntled about the past while also questioning her "tone." Around this time, he had switched allegiances to something called the Constitution Party.

The subsequent article featured a classic bewildering Trite response to a comment from a player who was celebrating a negative result on a colon cancer test. Rather than sharing a little joy, Trite boldly declared, "I avoid quacks at all cost," which solidified his bond with the anti-medical science community. An interesting character, indeed.

FUN FACT! -- Trite took on Dioism... and Anti-Dioism

On Day 4390, the indomitable Trite showcased his undeniable prowess as the candidate for free thinkers. In a display of unapologetically flaky originality, he penned a scathing exposé of Dioism, aptly titled "[flake] the cult of dio exposed." The article delved into the profound opposition between "oid," essentially "dio" spelled backwards, and the existence of the enigmatic "dio." Accusations of "plagiarism to fabricate dio" and subtle hints at account hijacking swirled throughout this thought-provoking piece. The "plagirism" theme, one of Trite's favorite bones to chew on, continued in the comments, with loosely referenced connections to Dune and Zen, which then led to a battle of wits with rainy sunday and other participants over the history of "Dioism" within the game.

In a twist of brilliance, when another player expressed agreement with Trite's critique of Dioism, he masterfully redirected his ire towards that player, responding, "that is even dumber than the stuff rained on us by Dio." Because clearly, allies are overrated.

Evidently fatigued by these intellectual acrobatics, Mr. Trite then took it upon himself to craft a series of pretty decent gaming tips for the benefit of newer players. A true renaissance man! (But... were they plagirized? Hmmm...)

FUN FACT! -- Trite wins a feud with the Telegram crowd

Day 4400 witnessed an intriguing twist in the saga of Trite. He hopped aboard chickenfellow's birdwagon, passionately advocating for the renowned trouble-maker's appointment to the Plato Fountain. Although we suspect he meant Foundation, it's clear that Trite has a knack for making things interesting.

Following this escapade, he delved into promoting Clopo's endeavors on Youtube and various platforms. The promotional venture concluded with a bold declaration: he was set to "challenge Discord and Telegram crowds to an activity feud." Curiously, he reported being locked out of Telegram, but in his characteristic fashion, Trite declared himself the winner of this challenge even before it began. Whether you adore or abhor him, there's no denying that he's one savvy cage-fighter, right?

FUN FACT! -- Trite tells a story

During his bid for the presidency of the Constitutional Party, Trite unveiled a radical proposal: if elected, he pledged to "use the party feed to elect other officials and decide the congressional lineup." An intriguing concept, to say the least. This was quickly followed by a delightful comedic interlude – a collection of bizarre YouTube videos linked seemingly at random.

Not one to miss a beat, Trite launched into a passionate rant, asserting that the Plato Foundation owed him some gold. He continued to champion Clopo's merits, which, to be fair, are rather impressive. Moreover, he declared his unwavering commitment to reviving in-game media and his mission to "dump the meta-forum, the temple of the hate-the-game game movement." He also provided some sound advice for players: "avoid arguing with an idiot, lest you sound like one."

Following this eccentric mix, he ventured into a briefly intriguing tangent involving EZ Company (EZC) and WhyDoIBotherToo, centered around the choice of avatars. An unexpected literary turn then graced his publications with a compelling real-life travelogue, recounting a train journey from Boston to California – attributed in-line to edibles, which may provide some context. Finally, a peculiar discourse emerged, delving into the pandemic and mask-wearing, with an enigmatic title alluding to Quaaludes, which might explain the text's labyrinthine nature.

It's safe to say that Trite's writings offer a whirlwind of oddities and hidden gems.

FUN FACT! -- Trite is an interesting visual artist

Amidst the kaleidoscope of Trite's creations, his artistic endeavors shone like dazzling gems. He embarked on a series of sci-fi-themed pieces, embracing the art of stream-of-consciousness in a unique and intriguing manner. However, it was the start of his long-running series of self-portraits in graphite and oil pastels that truly mesmerized his audience. These self-portraits offered a fascinating glimpse into the depths of his creativity.

As weeks passed, Trite continued to enchant with various series of original floral compositions and more sci-fi-themed drawings. One particularly captivating piece featured a miniature still-life, where soldiers and fully-armed rabbits coexisted, capturing the imaginations of many. It was during this phase that Trite's unique artistic vision truly blossomed, earning the adoration of his fans.

In the midst of his artistic journey, Trite also ventured once again into the realm of politics. His initial contemplation of running for the Country President position with the We The People (WTP) party marked a turning point. And then, as if stirred by the Troll Brigade, he delved into a "wayback" criticism of Gnilraps for having once expressed positive sentiments about Emerick. The downfall of chickensfinger triggered a deeper exploration into a web of intrigue, where cryptic allusions were made about "Max" and ominous hints about Krapis/Gnilraps.

At the end of this period, his mild and entirely justified criticism of real-life events on January 6, 2021, drew the ire of the neo-Nazi wing of the WTP, revealing the complexities of Trite's e-life.

FUN FACT! -- Trite ran a fun in-game contest for quite a while

During this phase of his publication journey, Trite embraced creativity and camaraderie with the launch of a contest designed to reward air fighters. This contest was unlike any other, as it brought together players from various corners of the e-world, forming Fantasy League teams that transcended the boundaries of regular militias. It was an ingenious endeavor that successfully united a dedicated group of players for real in-game fun.

Trite's artistic expression took an intriguing turn too with the publication of a surrealistic self-portrait that delved into the theme of betrayal. The artwork depicted a defense system of unparalleled brilliance, featuring fantasy-Trite with eyes and mouth transformed into imposing anti-aircraft weaponry. The massive Trite-head served as an impregnable bulwark, encircled by the wreckage of downed planes.

In between these creative escapades, Trite couldn't resist taking a break for some good-natured anti-Groot notices, coining the memorable slogan "Get Groot Gone." He also ventured into a campaign for the Country President position, emphasizing his personal goal of making it onto the CP ballot, "despite years of activity and broken promises". Notably, his campaign promises included the commitment to cease the policy of insulting everyone at every turn, a promise that carried an air of refreshing change, if not a slight whiff of... irony?

It's worth noting that the campaign announcement omitted details about which party's banner he was holding at this juncture, reflecting a somewhat whimsical approach to the intricacies of e-politics. The period also witnessed a continuation of the Fantasy League for air fighters and a pragmatic switch to the Black Sheep Party. A cryptic reference to a potential change of employment in real life added a touch of intrigue, with the posting of this memorable self-description: "I am a professional (A-hole) with references!"

FUN FACT! -- Trite just won't let go

As Day 5,000 approached, the enigmatic Trite went on the offensive, directing a fiery blast at the eRepublik whales. In a scathing critique, he accused them of making it increasingly challenging for average eUS accounts to secure battle hero medals. Furthermore, he criticized foreign policy decisions, particularly the alignment with Asteria and the alliance with the Serbs.

The situation took a curious turn when two commentators posted links and remarks suggesting that Trite had fought for Croatia against the USA on multiple occasions. His response was not only nonsensical but also included an oddly off-the-wall accusation against RF Williams (a former incarnation of Pfenix Quinn), accusing the well-known writer of, you guessed it, "plagiarism".

This period also witnessed a deepening obsession with the cryptic figure known as "KrapGnil." Trite's fixation with this mysterious entity appeared to grow in intensity.

After Day 5,000, Trite took a considerable hiatus from publishing, returning around Day 5,110 with a renewed focus on promoting the Black Sheep Party. He called for an end to the "regime of trolling those governed," a plea for a shift in political discourse. His writings during this phase again demonstrated a desire to run for the Country President position and an appeal to other political parties to consider his candidacy.

Trite's ideas ventured into creative territories, such as the revitalization of dormant government newspapers and organizations. He proposed offering prizes to endorsers and commenters, hinting at a broader vision for engaging the eRepublik community.

The peculiar fixation with "KrapGnil" persisted, followed by nostalgic reflections on his time in Congress with the old WTP led by Gnilraps. Another extended break occurred until Day 5,300, followed by a complete shift as he started a new party, the Yugo Space Program Party, and initiated a presidential campaign. This marked a phase of unexpected transitions and intriguing developments in Trite's e-life.

FUN FACT! -- Trite in decline?

As the curtain falls on Trite's publications, a reader witnesses the emergence of an intriguing obsession with the Socialist Freedom Party (SFP). This fixation appears to have its roots in an ancient chapter of e-history when they declined to nominate George as their Country President candidate. On Day 5545, Trite accused the SFP of being a "placeholder," while his own unnamed party, he claimed, possessed "total party loyalty in their vision." Pfenix Quinn's response added a dash of humor, remarking on Trite's apparent enthusiasm for the SFP: "So happy to see you have such a boner for the SFP."

This phase of his journey culminated with an announcement that "his party" was endorsing "shefutzu" for Country President. It was a chapter characterized by a sense of political upheaval.

Following another extended break, Trite moved to the now-defunct USWP on Day 5567. George Armstrong Custer, a veteran player who had recently returned to the game, expressed curiosity about whether "Punkin" would reopen the USWP roadhouse. It was indeed an interesting chapter, as Punkin continued to surprise and amuse.

The subsequent posts meandered through random rants, bizarre disputes with both the WTP and the SFP, "KrapGnil" references, and an obscure threat involving comments about both kicking and self-pleasuring. Day 5586 featured a rather comical rant aimed at George Armstrong Custer, where Trite labeled him a clown and accused him of homophobia for having referred to Trite as a punk.

And thus, we return full circle. The "Galactic Pot Healer" last made an appearance on Day 5620 with the title "Endorse article," accompanied by the carb-free content: "For the mission." It leaves us pondering the transformation of one who was once a mighty contributor to the cultural realm, but has now descended into an obscure and perhaps lonely realm.

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