eUSA - naš saveznik! Trenutna situacija + intervju sa premijerom

Day 2,064, 15:30 Published in Croatia USA by Aldo.Raine

Kao novi ambasador u eUSA odlučio sam napraviti kratak pregled trenutne situacije.

eUSA ima 9110 aktivnih igrača te su prema tome 6. po broju stanovnika u eSvijetu.

eUSA su trenutno bez regija, obrisane su od strane eSrbije, ePoljske i eMađarske uz pomoć ostalih zemalja članica TWO saveza.

Porezna politika im je takva da potiču konkurenciju sa niskim porezima na uvoz, dok im je VAT i na food i na wep 5%.

Predsjednik im je Paul Proteus, kojemu je ovo 3. mandat.
Član je Federalist Party, stranke broj 1 u eUSA, stranke koja se na svakim izborima grčevito bori protiv PTO-era tj. stranke American Freedom Alliance (AFA)

U kongresu dominiraju stranke AFA i Federalisti, dok najmanje zastupnika ima AMP (American Military Party)
Također bih htio spomenuti CAS (Croatian-American Society), koje je osnovao ElvenCRO prije 2 godine te koje na svakim izborima sudjeluje u borbi protiv TO akcija.

eUSA dnevno napravi 5,99% svjetskog damage-a, što ih svrstava u jednu od najmoćnijih država eSvijeta.

Najjače MU u eUSA:

Trenutno pripadaju savezu CoT, a najveći neprijatelj im je eSrbija, koja ih je obrisala, a i konstanto prijeti TO akcijama.

Popis MPP-ova:

To bi bilo to o situaciji u eUSA. Mislim da sam spomenuo sve što je važno, ukoliko imate kakvih pitanja, pitajte 🙂

Intervju sa Josh Frostom :

Q: Can you tell us something about your real life? How old are you, where are you from?
A: I am 35 and live in Colorado.

Q: How much time daily you spend on eRepublik?
A: Probably 8 hours or so

Q: What do you think about eRepublik generally? Was eRepublik better before all this changes? (I saw that you play almost 3 years, so what is your opinion?)

A: I actually played 4 or 5. I have an older account :
It was considerably better. People were more involved. They cared more about things.

Q: What are plans for future of eUSA? (Allies, wars)
A: Well first we have to get unwiped. After that I am sure we will explore options in terms of allies.

Q: Who is your biggest enemy (or enemies) and why?
A: Serbia obviously. They are a military powerhouse and they have us under PTO threat a lot of the time.

Q: Who are your favourite allies?
A: On a personal level my favorite three have always been Croatia, Brazil, and Albania

Q: What is your opinion about eCroatia?
A: I think Croatia is a great friend and ally. I like them on a personal level because they are a country with integrity.

Q: What do you think about current situation in TWO? Is this opportunity for USA to get back some territories?
A: I'm not entirely sure tbh. People complain within alliances all the time. It doesn't mean they are going to suddenly break up. Everything in this game tends to be wait and see. So we will wait and see.

Q: Thanks for your time. Do you want to send message to eCroatian people?
A: I just want to thank them for being loyal allies and friends for a long time.

DonCorleone10, hrvatski veleposlanik u eUSA.