eUS in the Circle of Trust

Day 1,886, 13:21 Published in USA Canada by New Faustian Man
With the eUS entering Circle of Trust as the alliance’s latest trial member, I thought I’d share my opinion on some of the pro’s and con’s.

First however, let me say that the lack of any sort of consultation with the eUS people on any meaningful level prior to the eUS joining CoT as a trial member is massively disappointing! Joining an alliance isn’t like signing an MPP, nor even like foisting an unpopular NE law on the country and forcing us to war – this is joining an alliance and committing the nation to fighting for a select bunch of countries (most of whom are longtime enemies) possibly for the next 2 years or more! Its pretty standard in this game for a country to host some sort of poll or referendum to gauge public opinion prior to making huge moves like leaving and/or joining an alliance, and the eUS’s failure in this regard is unfortunately going to have major ramifications down the line – and give legitimacy to the type of criticism that will view this move as undemocratic, illegal and negotiated under-the-table because the presiding powers knew that if they ever dared propose it to the eUS public it'd more than likely get the thumbs down. So not exactly an auspicious start as far as I'm concerned.

As such, this whole enterprise is pretty tenuous as things stand. Which is a shame, because the eUS joining Circle of Trust has some real merits, not the least of which is that the Three-Major-Alliances dream could actually come to fruition. Its just a shame the whole process took place behind closed doors as all this really does is lend some serious ammo to the detractors.


Despite having said the above I’d also like to categorically state that I’m not overwhelmingly in the AGAINST camp, nor am I all FOR the eUS’s move into Circle of Trust.

I’m not 100% AGAINST it because I’m of the opinion this game is crying out for three separate alliances that can hold their own against each other. It was the main reason I was originally in support of CTRL – splitting Serb-Polish Damage always made sense – and with Circle of Trust I believe the eWorld has another (much better) chance of establishing a multi-polar world as opposed to the bi-polar slugfest in the ONE vs. EDEN/TERRA, or EDEN vs. CoTWO mould.

However I couldn’t describe myself as overwhelmingly in support of Circle of Trust either -- not as thing’s stand. I don’t know what this eUS administration have been told by CoT HQ as regards the sharing of TWO and CoT MPPs – are they planning to renew them indefinitely? – and considering the outright lies the eUS public were force-fed by repeated eUS administrations regarding MPPs and suchlike during the CTRL debacle, I think I’ll wait for CoT HQ to make a statement on whether MPPs are going to be indefinitely maintained with TWO countries before I definitively make a decision in this regard. But I think this is a MAJOR issue which needs resolved if Circle of Trust is really going to move forward as a bona fide alliance.

Oops! Someone's failed to master their mechanisation

Ideologically, Circle of Trust shares much in common with EDEN in its formative days: when all members had something like equal say, when Damage was distributed to those who needed it and not based on some unspoken hierarchy that many accuse EDEN of operating today.

The odd thing is that the Circle of Trust ethos finds its direct antithesis not in modern EDEN (despite its faults) -- but in the imperial ambitions of Poland-Serbia-Hungary. CoT and TWO are allied out of convenience, otherwise they are diametrically opposed on all levels. TWO is merely ONE MarkII, existing for one reason and one reason only: bonuses, expansion, bonuses, expansion, bonuses, expansion, bonuses, expansion, bonuses, expansion, bonuses, expansion etc. Whilst CoT (if you believe the hype) professes to be the complete opposite: a community of allies, were each has equal say and nothing is dependent on a country's size.

On the surface then -- taking the above into account -- eUSA joining Circle of Trust has incredible potential. Not only does it offer eUS players (many of whom are from established CoT nations) something exciting to play for in this game once more, but it goes a huge way to stabilizing Circle of Trust as a genuine alliance, which until now – considering its reliance on TWO, specifically Serbian Damage – it could never in all seriousness claim.

For me personally its this last point which all things hinge on: Circle of Trust must assume a policy that views both EDEN and TWO in the same light, ultimately as enemies pursuing different objectives.

Everything else that’s cited as reason why the eUS shouldn’t ally with Circle of Trust pales next to this point.

I have no problem with the eUS allying with longtime enemies like eIndo and eF.Y.R.Macedonia; wars with eIndo have always been fun, without any of the real nasty subtext we sometimes have when fighting against other nations; and I don’t see coming into alignment with them such a massive problem (ignoring their TWO MPPs for the moment). The situation with eF.Y.R.Macedonia is different but not massively so, its true that the eUS have fought eF.Y.R.Macedonia relentlessly over the past two-plus years, but its also true the eUS has so much more to gain by improving relations with eF.Y.R.Macedonia than it does continuing to perceive them a stooge of Serbia.

F.Y.R. Macedonia: Because FCUK Polish 10/10s

eF.Y.R.Macedonia’s outspoken criticism of ePoland over the last few months was incredibly refreshing, and a real change of tack for an old ONE stalwart, none of whom are exactly renowned for criticizing each other publically, we usually have to wait for the “secret” logs to surface before we’d find out what they really thought of each other. And for me eF.Y.R.Macedonia’s criticism of ePoland pretty much epitomized what I already knew of the Circle of Trust, were the ethos is equality of all members, no alliance-within-the-alliance, and as it says in the Circle of Trust charter: “to help [all Circle of Trust] states reach and maintain the optimal shape of their economy and the economy of the alliance as a whole.”

I think the eUS’s smooth assimilation into Circle of Trust may be hampered not by the powerhouses like eIndonesia or eF.Y.R.Macedonia but rather with some of the smaller founder CoT members, specifically New Zealand. I don’t know what the break down is in New Zealand between RL Kiwis and RL Serbs, but for all intent’s and purposes – going by what recent eUS administrations designate a ‘PTO’ – New Zealand is under PTO. And has been pretty much since it was added in 2010. How the eUS can successfully ally with a Serb-colony like New Zealand remains to be seen.

TWO-CoT Split: Bulgaria and Serbia

Any division between Circle of Trust and TWO is probably going to have its genesis in deteriorating relations between Bulgaria and Serbia. Bulgaria is the CoT powerhouse, and Serbia due to position, is the TWO country that presents the biggest threat to it and CoT generally.

However, after Bulgaria left EDEN they got almost immediate support from Serbia and ONE against Turkey/EDEN -- when Serbia/ONE could easily have rolled Bulgaria over for its own gain. So this is not an MPP Bulgaria are going to walk away from any time soon.

Because Serbia is better!

And why would they?

Serbia, since regaining Aquitaine, has returned to its place as the undisputed military powerhouse in all of Erepublik. So why would Bulgaria wish to throw away an ally like this? If they were forced to choose between the eUS and eSerbia they'd be choosing between a weaker, distant, fair-weather friend like the eUSA over the most powerful e-nation in the game that, incidentally, just happens to share a border with them.

Not exactly a tough choice as far as I can see.

And yet Bulgaria’s plans to move its capital to somewhere in Arabia does suggest it may already be preparing to put some distance between itself and Serbia and the EDEN powerhouses.

Only time will tell.

Another Problem: Different Loyalties within the eUS

According to Erepublik the eUS has 8646 citizens, whereas egov4you recognizes 5,320 (4.22% of world) as legitimate citizens and of these, 2,262 as regular fighters.

Currently, the eUS’s officially funded military is comprised of the following:

- SEAL Team 6 - 133
- The Special Forces - 117
- Ultramarines - 74
- Rogue Squadron - 65
- Air Force - 173

That’s 562 soldiers which receive direct funding/supply from the eUnited States government. If we go by Erepublik’s pop. statistic that’s just over 10% of the population, but going by the egov4you stat – in all likelihood the more accurate figure – of regular fighters (2,262) it follows that approximately 24.8% of the eUS populace adhere to orders that come straight from the office of the commander-in-chief. 24.8% isn’t a bad figure, especially not if we factor in the kind of Damage this percentage regularly do, however it does ask certain questions of the kind of pull US presidents have outside the official eUS military structure, and the continuing and deeply divisive problems the eUS is experiencing.

Exactly how much does CoT HQ know of the kind of structural problems existing within the eUS in regards the different bodies that determine where eUS Damage goes? Have they been briefed regarding the eUS Military’s position, which remains pro-EDEN and intends to continue assisting the eUS’s traditional allies?

It would be wrong to class the eUS as simply 'divided' -- it's a true democracy and as such entertains a myriad of political opinions, which is only proper. However this also means no political body -- not even the president -- can really claim to speak for the nation as a whole, not without first soliciting the feeling of the populace.

Until the the current president does this, and allows the populace to vote either Yay or Nay I'd don't really see this application to CoT as in any way legitimate. And I think if the players who make up the memberbase of CoT knew the truth of what's going on, that they'd see it in the same way.

Hong Kong! Because being allied with eTaiwan for 2 years < eSouth Korea for 24hours = means lets wipe eTaiwan

Enjoy the girl!



As ever, thanks for taking the time to read,