eUS in Rage Mode

Day 2,264, 22:50 Published in USA USA by 2gundiplomacy

Okay, so just getting started in this world, I see a lot of really neat things. But one thing I can't help but notice is the complete dissatisfaction of the general populace. So lets break things down a bit.

Okay, first off, I apologize, I don't have any fancy banners or pictures to put on here yet, I am kind of just throwing this together because I think that america as a whole is agreeing with what people have to say, but they are all just so mad, they keep repeating themselves. Here it goes as follows:

1) Yes, we know the POTUS is messing things up, but in order to make change, you have to be the change. So unless you are going to run for presidency, vote, or campaign for someone you think is worthy to lead this country into a great era of prosperity, stop beating the dead horse.

2) Yes, we are not supporting eCanada, but we warned them that we couldn't go to battle to help them with securing the eUK. They made a mistake, and just like a big brother should, we let them suffer their consequences. BUT! I do think, that as a big brother, we should now rush in and rescue them just as soon as we win the Florida fight.

3) Yes, ePoland was an enemy, and they thoroughly thumped us in the bottom when we went to war with them, but now a new empire has risen that even they find threatening. The enemy of my enemy is my friend. Just because they might turn on us in the future doesn't mean that we shouldn't exploit the fact that they are an ally right this minute. For example, it is ePoland helping us fight to keep Florida as I write this news article.

Now with these three major topics out of the way, I really do hope for intelligent conversation and discussion of this topic in the replies below. I look forward to seeing how this turns out.