Eurovision Song Contest

Day 3,032, 12:29 Published in Slovenia Slovenia by Slovenian AirForce Command

Slovenska navodila najdete spodaj.

Ladies and gentlemen,

it's my pleasure to announce that, after a year of break, eEurovision song contest will be held in Geneva (Switzerland) this month.

As you remember, previous eEurovision was held in Dublin (Ireland) and the winner of that contest was the host. Then the plan was to organize another one in October 2015. but due to lack of organization, project failed.

Now, at the initiative of Swiss President, Swiss Government and Ministry of Education new contest will be organized in Geneva (Switzerland)!

How to participate and rules:

1. Propose a song in the comment with youtube/soundcloud link
2a. Song must be performed by singer from Your country (Real life country)
2b. Song can be performed by erepublik citizen
3. After submissions, supervisor for Your country will hold a voting
4. The winner will represent your country on eEurovision Song Contest in March 2016.
5. After the countries decide which song will represent them, Switzerland will organize live presentation of the songs on and than everyone will vote for the best song.
6. The winner will be the host for the next eEurovision song contest.

So far supported by Governments of:

(expecting a lot more)



Dame in gospodje,

Švicarji so se odločili organizirati e-Evrovizijo. Zaenkrat sodeluje osem držav, vendar pričakujemo, da bo prijavljenih še veliko več.

Kolikor sem uspela razbrati navodila, bo vsaka država nastopila z eno pesmijo na, zbrani poslušalci pa bodo glasovali za komade. Za Slovenijo bom pesem, s katero bomo nastopali, izbrala jaz. 🙂 Jeeeej, jaz. 😃

Seveda pa tega ne morem storiti brez vas. Zato vas prosim, da v komentarjih predlagate kak komad slovenskega izvajalca (lahko je tudi v tujem jeziku). Predlagate ga z objavo youtube linka. Po 48 urah bom zbrala vse komade in organizirala glasovanje, da najdemo tistega, ki nas bo zastopal na finalni prireditvi. Naj se predizbori začnejo. 🙂

Lp, Andreychika