ESO This Week

Day 1,705, 13:16 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Elle Roslin

Here is the first weekly update designed to keep you up to date with what is going on in the party.


It's that time of the month again! Anyone who is interested in running for Congress is asked to post on the forums here, or to message me directly to indicate interest. I can make no promises nor guarantees that you will be able to successfully run, due to our current occupation by various foreigners. With any luck and lots of battle damage we will hold onto some regions and have a Congress this month.

Preference will be given to those who have not run for Congress before or who have not been in Congress these last few months. New players of course are always welcome to apply - activity and not e-lifespan weighs the most in deciding who will run.

Divisional Awards

Are you between levels 1 and 24 and in ESO? Have you claimed your just rewards yet? Check out this article that I released earlier this week and let me know how many challenges you have completed. Free food and tanks with very minimal effort!

For all you lovely Division 2 members - don't fret! I will be putting out a new article shortly with challenges for you to complete as well!

Free Company Giveaway

Being wiped is no fun, and it puts a damper on finances as well. As a small gesture of support, I have put on offer two 100% FREE raw materials companies. Simply post in the comments and you will be considered for 1 of 2 grand prizes of 8500 GBP!!!

Food Drive

As part of our efforts to get some land back, I would like to run a food drive to distribute to members. If you have excess food, or the capacity to purchase and donate some it would be much appreciated. Simply send food (or money or supplies etc.) to me and I will record and tally the totals. I would like to distribute 500 wellness to all players level 25 and below in the party.

Any excess donated food will be given to the NHS and to young Legion players. Any donations are appreciated!

Extra support is also available to any new member who could use it! Check Joshua Whelan's article for details.

That's it for this week folks,

ESO Party President

Bye for now!

Where to look for more info:
eUK Forums
ESO Party
ESO Legion
eUK Channel (#euk)
ESO Channel (#eso)