eRepublik in My Eyes

Day 1,692, 09:14 Published in Indonesia Indonesia by LarasDea
Hello Fellas!
Wherever you are, Whenever you read this, Whatever you do

This time, I'm going to write everything about this game that come out off my mind. No need to angry, this is just my opinion. No hard feeling, I'm just telling my perspectives.

For the very first time, my RL friend PyoTro's told me that there's a game. I asked him, "What kind of game? Strategy?" He just asked me to join, even I'm definitely busy in my RL.

eRepublik. Sounds interesting, i thought. I decided to sign up, and i didn't play it even i've signed up LOL. A week after i joined, I started to play. Just doin what the quest asked me to, and yeah, literally confused. Damn, I really don't understand what people were talking about. They're shouting, laughing, even yelling at something i didn't know.

As time goes by, I joined Laskar Bocil. Well don't blame me, but the only reason why I choose it was... Just because PyoTro's there 😛 (Wouldn't think about something special, would you?). Lot of things that made me extremely curious for the first time, like, why we have to complete our DO, why do we have to work, and so on.

Soon i realized that those thing will lead you to be the good one.

Now i know what's the point of this game. It's just about respect actually. You have to respect what have been decided to be, respect all players, respect those who just drown into this game.

Yet, this respect thing's almost gone. Why? I didn't know why, but maybe it's because there are few players that join this game only for fun (including me 😛). And few players, really play this game for serious matter. Not balance... That's why they can not gather as one.

Enough with these english thingy. Let me straight back to the point with Bahasa 😛

Menurut aku, selama sesama pemain tidak menghargai pemain lain yang bermain game ini dengan tujuan lain, tidak akan pernah ada kesamaan, kesejahteraan, dan kembalinya kejayaan eIndonesia yang dulu pernah ada.

Haha, maaf ya aku jadi terlalu serius. Terinspirasi dari apa yang terjadi di IRC barusan aja, dan ya... Aku cuma nggak paham kenapa semua ini bisa terjadi, dan mengkritiknya dalam sudut pandangku sendiri.

There's only one thing that i would like to say...

Never ever try to asked someone's respect while you've never ever give them.

Well that's all. Forgive all my bad words, if it does exist.

Keep Trying, Keep Believing, Keep Praying.

With love,