En/Ro: Supercharge- let's boost the economy

Day 1,891, 07:08 Published in Romania Romania by Darkslowstar
Versiunea romana este mai jos

Everybody knows that the economic module is dying. Prices are shrinking and shrinking and there is a constant lack of currency for players that don't have reserves from ancient times. New players lack currency to start a RW or even to move from a region to another. Food is extremely cheap and high quality weapons are cheaper and cheaper. Highest salaries are now lower than the former minimum wages. Many players have gave up on plans to upgrade their factories because its not worth to invest in something that you know its not gona bring back your investment even in years.

There were a lot of proposal to change some features of the economic module, but none of the players proposal were introduced by the admins. Reasons for this could be that some of the proposal would be very difficult to implement or even more important, could jeopardize the income of eRepublik as a company, by limiting gold purchase. Lets not forget that this is a business and that a business must be profitable in order to survive.

I thought about a proposal that would not jeopardize the game’s income from gold/special items sale and that could boost the economy, by an increased product consumption (if we cant have a reduced productivity, also very necessary).

I would propose to introduce a new feature to the military module, that could have a direct effect on market. I have called it Supercharge, but I am sure a more suitable name could be found.

Supercharge, as I have imagined it, would allow you, after you have spent your available FF, to fight again, for a limited number of FF (food fights), but with an increased amount of bread, lets say double or even triple amount of bread and/or weapons.

For example you have 120 food fights for which you spend 60 bread q1. After you spent your available food fight you can use energy bars or gold for tanking as usual or activate Supercharge (maybe with a special button) and fight lets say half of your usual FF (or ⅓ - ¼ - this must be balanced by the admins so that their income would not be jeopardized) with a higher food consumption. So you would spend 60 food q1 for 120 FF AND the same quantity of food (the level is not important, as everyone will consume their available food, produced or purchased from the market) but for let say 60 FF or 30 FF depending of how much the admins would allow for Supercharge. Also the amount of consumption weapons could be higher.

The advantage of this is obvious, the price of food and weapons will rise, people will be encouraged to upgrade their companies, fights will be more vivid as people will spend more.

Also people will be encouraged to purchase more gold for upgrading companies, as higher prices would make their investment worth of this.

Tanking would not be affected because of the limitation of Supercharge to ½ or ⅓ or ¼ of the usual food fights. Also Supercharge should be limited to once per day, so that it would not change very drastic the actual game environment.

Its a win-win solution for everybody, the players could have a more alive market and fight more for their country, admins would see their gold income growing. Maybe this will cut some of the actual overproduction.

Of course I do not know if this is easy or difficult to introduce or what the effects on a long run will be, depending also on other future changes.

If you want to see Supercharge implemented, please Vote and Shout - Introduce Supercharge http://www.erepublik.com/en/article/en-ro-supercharge-let-s-boost-the-economy-2199299/1/20

Versiunea romana

Cu totii stim ca modulul economic este pe moarte (daca nu a si murit deja). Preturile scad pe zi ce trece si incepe sa se faca simtita o lipsa de bani, cc, la jucatorii care nu detin rezerve din vremuri imemoriale. Noilor jucatori le este din ce in ce mai greu sa dispuna de sumele necesare pentru a porni un RW sau chiar de a se muta, la ordin, dintr-o regiune in alta. Painea este din ce in ce mai ieftina (deja preturile au ajuns ridicole), iar pretul armelor a scazut foarte mult, iar profitul din arme aproape ca a disparut. Salariile cele mai mari au ajuns mult mai mici ca fostele salarii minime. Multi jucatori au renuntat la planurile de a-si upgrada fabricile (si deci inclusiv de a cumpara aur) din cauza ca o investitie pe care nu ai putea-o amortiza prea curand (ani, multi ani) nu are nici un rost.

Au existat destul de multe propuneri de modificare a modulului economic, dar nici una din propuneri nu a fost retinuta de admini. Motivele ar putea fi mai multe, de la imposibilitatea sau dificultatea de implementare tehnica pana la (mai important chiar) faptul ca ar putea scadea incasarile companiei eRepublik din vanzarea de aur si obiecte speciale (batoane,etc). Nu trebuie sa uitam totusi ca este vorba de o afacere care are nevoie sa fie profitabila ca sa supravietuiasca.

Din acest motiv m-am gandit la o schimbare care sa nu pericliteze incasarile din vazarea de gold si obiecte speciale si care ar avea ca rezultat o stimulare a economiei jocului, printr-un consum sporit (daca nu putem avea o reducere a productivitatii).

Supercharge, asa cum mi-am imaginat-o eu, ar fi o modificare introdusa in modulul militar, care ar putea avea un efect direct asupra pietei. Poate nu este cel mai potrivit nume, dar asta conteaza mai putin la momentul acesta

Supercharge ar permite ca dupa ce ti-ai consumat FF (food fights) disponibile, sa lupti din nou un numar de FF limitat, dar cu un consum sporti de paine si/sau arme.
De exemplu daca ai 120 FF pentru recuperarea carora consumi 60 paini q1. Dupa ce ti-ai dat FF-urile disponibile poti sa te opresti sau sa continui ca si pana acum prin utilizarea de batoane sau aur ori poti activa Supercharge (poate prin intermediul unui buton special) si sa lupti, sa spunem jumatate din FF-urile tale obisnuite (sau ½, ⅓ sau ¼ - aici trebuie echilibrat bine de catre admini, ca sa nu afecteze cumpararea de aur) dar cu un consum mai mare de paine. Asa ai consuma 60 paini q1 pentru 120 FF-uri si aceasi cantitate pentru un numar de FF redus la jumatate, 60 sau chiar mai mic 30-40. Nivelul painii nu conteaza, urmand ca fiecare sa foloseasca ce produce/cumpara de pe piata). Acest lucru ar duce si la un consum de arme mai mare, indiferent daca aplicam Supercharge la fel si pentru arme sau daca consumul de arme ramane cel normal.

Avantajele sunt evidente, vom avea un consum mai mare, pretul painii si al armelor vor creste, jucatorii ar fi incurajati din nou sa cumpere gold pentru upgradul firmelor detinute sau sa infiinteze firme noi.

Tancatul nu va fi afectat din cauza ca Supercharge va fi limitat la ½, ⅓ sau ¼ din FF-urile disponibile. De asemenea Supercharge ar trebui sa fie limitat la o singura data zilnic, din aceleasi motive.

Este o solutie din care vom castiga cu totii. Jucatorii ar avea din nou un modul economic mai viu, preturile ar creste si am putea lupta mai mult pentru patrie si popor 🙂, iar adminii ar putea avea o crestere a vanzarilor de gold. Poate se rezolva macar o parte din problema supraproductiei.

Desigur, nu am de unde sa stiu cat de dificila tehnic vorbind ar fi introducerea unei astfel de modificari si nici cum ar afecta pe termen lung jocul. Probabil nu are cum sa fie mai rau decat este acum!

Daca doriti ca Supercharge sa fie implementat, va rog dati Vote si Shout - Introduceti Supercharghe http://www.erepublik.com/en/article/en-ro-supercharge-let-s-boost-the-economy-2199299/1/20

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