Eh Toi ! Tu peux nous aider !

Day 747, 02:55 Published in France France by Stone by Stone

Chers citoyens,

L'opération Sus O Sapins est lancée !

En effet, les Espingouins & Co sont chez nous. Dans nos chaumières, ils mangent notre gibier, nos huîtres, notre choucroute et nos Potes-O-Feu. Ils boivent nos grands Bordeaux millésime 1990 et arrachent à vos vieux leur raisinade oubliée avec amour au fond d'un vieux chai, alors qu'ils ont travailler et souffert 2 clics-par-jour pendant des années. Qui pourra encore faire un repas sans penser à l'époque où nous pouvions librement boire un Bas-Armagnac et le cuver tranquillement toute l'après-midi devant 10-épisodes-inédits-d'inspecteur-Derrick -suivi-de-Question-pour-un-Champion-spéc ial-Noël ? eFrançais nous sommes ! Nous aimons le fromage qui pue ! Nous aimons nous taper dessus sans l'aide des autres ! Nous aimons nos jeunes cons... ou pas ! Nous aimons nos vieux cons...ou pas !

Bref, laissera-t-on l'ennemi dicter notre conduite ? NON !

Toi qui me lis, toi dont je sens le coeur battre. Toi qui a vu des camarades tomber au combat. Toi qui a déserté par peur. Toi qui est cloué à l'étranger. Toi qui n'attend qu'une chose, se sacrifier pour la patrie. Bref, toi eFrançais de coeur. Aide-nous ! Comment ?

*** D'abord, pour les français qui sont dans des régions françaises prises par les espagnols, RESTEZ-Y ! Continuez à faire marcher l'économie française ! Restez dans les entreprises FRANCAISES !

*** Nous commençons une guerre auquelle la France n'avait jamais été confrontée. Une guerre de résistance !!! Pour retrouver notre liberté ! Il faut OR-GA-NI-SER la résistance !

*** Pour cela, plusieurs points, soyez attentifs :

>> Je le répète, restez travailler dans des entreprises françaises pour faire marcher notre économie en souterrain.

>> Proposez votre aide au gouvernement si vous voulez vous investir dans l'administration.

Tous à la lecture. La résistance, c'est tout un art...

>> Mais ce qui nous aiderait le plus, ce serait une aide financière ! Je sais que vous avez aidé Stone by Stone formidablement depuis le mois d'août ! Nous avons pu faire des choses inimaginables grâce à vous, notre plus beau symbole étant l'Hôpital Q5 en Ile de France ! Cela faisait 1 mois que Stone by Stone était en sommeil au cas où. A présent, SbyS EST DE RETOUR !

NOUS AVONS BESOIN DE VOUS ! PLUS QUE JAMAIS, NOUS AVONS BESOIN DE FRF ET DE GOLDS ! De 1 FRF à 100000000000000 GOLDS, nous acceptons tous les dons !


Je vous remercie de tout mon coeur. Et je vous embrasse.

(les plus généreux auront droit à plus si affinités....)

Kiss de votre Miss eFrance en service, Raska52 😃

PS : La Boîte SbyS Iron gérée par Ucchigoro (et un raska aussi 😃) a tout remboursé à l'orga SbyS.
(Ucchi, il y a un "e" à un, je suis une fille je te rappelle 😛)
(hey ! j'dit qu'est ce que j'veux d'abord !)

Les donateurs à la Saint Nicolas 2009 sont :

Ucchigoro offre genereusement (chut j'ecrit ce que je veux 😃) les 33gold de dette de SbyS Iron
Raska52 has transfered 18 GOLD
trukork has transfered 2 GOLD
Clement972 has transfered 1 GOLD
Alduso has transfered 5 GOLD
Potier has transfered 2 GOLD
Ginman has transfered 20 GOLD
chromimuk has transfered 3 GOLD
overbibi has transfered 10 GOLD
Fleuryan has transfered 9.78 FRF
Marly has transfered 1.5 GOLD
flasckq has transfered 5 GOLD
Goombator has transfered 5 GOLD
re3m1 has transfered 2 GOLD
CaptainDubois has transfered 3.02 BOB
CaptainDubois has transfered 14.93 FRF
Gurafity has transfered 3 GOLD
Gurafity has transfered 13 HUF
Elgalas has transfered 4 GOLD
KnoXvilleO has transfered 3 FRF
gg_tk has transfered 2 GOLD
Rolfr has transfered 3 IRR
Rolfr has transfered 10 FRF
Rolfr has transfered 10 FRF
Guantar has transfered 5 GOLD
incongru has transfered 1 GOLD
pondlalma has transfered 4 GOLD
Foutfaya has transfered 3 GOLD
Foutfaya has transfered 30 FRF
Spiffor has transfered 1 GOLD
tim67 has transfered 60 FRF
MaDDog77 has transfered 1.2 CNY
MaDDog77 has transfered 1 FRF
MaDDog77 has transfered 16.29 HUF
MaDDog77 has transfered 0.44 RUB
MaDDog77 has transfered 11 NLG
Necrius Revan has transfered 2 GOLD
Kissifrot has transfered 5 GOLD
William Frantz has transfered 10 GOLD
Merlier has transfered 10 FRF
xiwt has transfered 5 GOLD
Romain Moszog has transfered 46.55 FRF
Romain Moszog has transfered 0.41 ESP
Romain Moszog has transfered 0.01 GOLD
mamouth87 has transfered 2 GOLD
Paluvatar has transfered 3 GOLD
PouletFrite has transfered 1 FRF
mopita has transfered 5 GOLD
Sackboy334 has transfered 1 GOLD
Poutred has transfered 6 FRF
Poutred has transfered 1 CAD
Jeremie972 has transfered 3 FRF
Jeremie972 has transfered 2 FRF
Jeremie972 has transfered 0.01 GOLD
KaricK has transfered 10 FRF
krykrof has transfered 1 GOLD
Ulrich Rozier has transfered 3 FRF
Poutred has transfered 1 CAD
Sangone has transfered 50 FRF
maloune has transfered 2 GOLD
KaricK has transfered 10 FRF
Jeremie972 has transfered 2.76 RUB
KaricK has transfered 1 NLG
Jeremie972 has transfered 0.28 CNY
Flofuego has transfered 1.5 GOLD
Clemenceau has transfered 5 GOLD
yenrab has transfered 5 GOLD
Thor_husvod has transfered 2.93 GOLD
Waughhh has transfered 8 GOLD
baleineau bros has transfered 5 FRF
HideO has transfered 4 GOLD
Sokarius has transfered 1.43 FRF
yenrab has transfered 5 GOLD
Thor_husvod has transfered 2.93 GOLD
Waughhh has transfered 8 GOLD
baleineau bros has transfered 5 FRF
HeavenJere has transfered 3 FRF
JeanMich has transfered 0.5 GOLD
Steven1907 has transfered 2 GOLD
Steven1907 has transfered 20 FRF
krykrof has transfered 30 FRF
krykrof has transfered 5 BEF
Alex Gummi has transfered 3 GOLD
CrossZero has transfered 2.71 GOLD
Cercle Proudhon has transfered 50 FRF
the woo has transfered 1.99 FRF
the woo has transfered 0.51 HUF
Flippie has transfered 5.1 GOLD
Aetius has transfered 5 GOLD
Niggzs has transfered 15 FRF
Flippie has transfered 5 GOLD
Bastoss has transfered 100 FRF
Bastoss has transfered 10 ESP
vic--42 has transfered 1 GOLD
Janer has transfered 1.01 GOLD
the woo has transfered 4 FRF
khadgar has transfered 50 FRF
Boub's has transfered 1.51 GOLD
Nykko42 has transfered 10 FRF
Rufus Poalocusse has transfered 1.8 BEF
Rufus Poalocusse has transfered 3.2 ESP
Rufus Poalocusse has transfered 7.92 FRF
Janer has transfered 0.1 RUB
Janer has transfered 1 RUB
Rufus Poalocusse has transfered 7.92 FRF
Yosh7 has transfered 1 GOLD
pierrelesombre has transfered 3 FRF
Paul Henri Dupondt has transfered 21 FRF
Milambert has transfered 5 FRF
Paul Henri Dupondt has transfered 2 GOLD
Duc de Warkhol has transfered 2 GOLD
Duc de Warkhol has transfered 2.75 GOLD
Duc de Warkhol has transfered 5.96 ESP
OBR Investistment has transfered 20 RON
OBR Investistment has transfered 5 FRF
OBR Investistment has transfered 10 MXN
blazingangel has transfered 5 GOLD
OBR Investistment has transfered 70 PTE
Kovacevic org has transfered 0.1 IDR
Kovacevic org has transfered 3.35 RSD
Kovacevic org has transfered 1.95 HUF
Kovacevic org has transfered 0.02 GOLD
DeCaDeNcE has transfered 10 GOLD
Lebrank has transfered 10 FRF

Liste de donation [7.12.2009] :

Tumberhill has transfered 2 GOLD
Tumberhill has transfered 50 FRF
Keyseur has transfered 2 GOLD
NewKel has transfered 2 GOLD
Axohn has transfered 3.55 FRF
KnoXvilleO has transfered 12 FRF
Djosha has transfered 0.75 GOLD
Charles Lemagne has transfered 10 FRF
Charles Lemagne has transfered 5 GOLD
Doowik has transfered 2 GOLD
DonBob has transfered 5 GOLD
Eden Hazard has transfered 12 GOLD
Ronintub has transfered 2 GOLD
coco199369 has transfered 2 FRF
Woinic Holding has transfered 2.51 FRF
Titincus has transfered 4 GOLD
PouletFrite has transfered 2 FRF
Fossdone has transfered 2.5 GOLD
PallR has transfered 7.32 HUF
Avgvste has transfered 3 NLG
Avgvste has transfered 1 GOLD
Kiarg has transfered 57 HUF
Lars87 has transfered 1 GOLD
Klem has transfered 20 GOLD
Thistlepower has transfered 5 FRF
Delhuu has transfered 1 GOLD
Don_Tosca has transfered 5 GOLD
Hanazono Shizuma has transfered 500 FRF
Hanazono Shizuma has transfered 10.97 GOLD
Martin Sileno has transfered 30 ITL
Alex Carpenter has transfered 1 GBP
Chewbacca83 has transfered 5.8 RSD
Chewbacca83 has transfered 0.15 IDR
Chewbacca83 has transfered 11.78 HUF
moi323 has transfered 1.9 GOLD
Ulrich Rozier has transfered 11 FRF
Vitortomic has transfered 4 RSD
Zonzon has transfered 10 RSD
Boby Carotte has transfered 4 GOLD
JamesMay has transfered 5 GBP
JamesMay has transfered 2 GOLD
naglaglasson has transfered 5 GOLD
Razentag has transfered 1 GOLD
jagors a transferé 50 FRF
jagors a transferé 5 GOLD
M. Gorkem a transferé 0.05 TRY
Lamba a transferé 1.5 ESP
Lamba a transferé 2 FRF
ShivaGanesha a transferé 1 GOLD
Gui1968 a transferé 3 GOLD
Gui1968 a transferé 80.48 FRF
Gustave Henry a transferé 28.92 FRF
Gustave Henry a transferé 3 GOLD
alexandre333 a transferé 50 FRF vers votre compte
alexandre333 a transferé 11 COP vers votre compte.
pierrelesombre a transferé 1 FRF vers votre compte.
3683d a transferé 1 GOLD vers votre compte.
Damon Gant a transferé 10 FRF vers votre compte.
Deuxdetens a transferé 1 GOLD
Mick Lewis a transferé 5 GOLD
rems2a a transferé 7 BRL
Taartagueule Decon a transferé 5 GOLD
mooShen a transferé 1.95 GOLD
seriaz a transferé 1 GOLD
Miimouz a transferé 0.16 FRF
Miimouz a transferé 64 UAH
Robert Nelson a transferé 5 GOLD
Basile S a transferé 20 FRF
JDCreativos a transferé 0.08 ESP
baracka has transfered 0.23 GOLD
baracka has transfered 11.89 FRF
Dqgda has transfered 21 FRF
Rosco Michael has transfered 5 FRF
Death35 has transfered 47 FRF
Death35 has transfered 47 FRF
max7824 has transfered 20 FRF
NaoJin has transfered 30 FRF
Trinc has transfered 25 GBP
Paul Deschanel has transfered 5 GOLD
Sebamon has transfered 1 GOLD
Fab_rice has transfered 11 FRF
maartenw has transfered 13.37 NLG
volodiaa has transfered 10 GOLD
Thiibauult has transfered 2 GOLD
DeGroteGeneraal has transfered 100 NLG
Seraosha has transfered 2.5 GBP
kakolokyam has transfered 10 GOLD
Woinic Holding has transfered 0.13 USD
nophotonotalk has transfered 0.8 GOLD
Remi has transfered 50 FRF
Remi has transfered 1 GOLD
frekk has transfered 100 FRF
moltonel has transfered 10 GOLD
Sackboy334 has transfered 1.16 GOLD
Jemairi has transfered 39 FRF
Gargouille has transfered 1 GOLD
Pomponette has transfered 3.52 FRF
Fabio da Silva has transfered 1 CNY
Hire has transfered 4 GOLD
Hire has transfered 125.01 FRF
romir666 has transfered 156.77 FRF
Focia has transfered 147.51 FRF
LuisCarlosHK has transfered 50 CNY
Foutfaya has transfered 1.02 CNY
Foutfaya has transfered 0.65 ESP
Jiyeee has transfered 9.91 FRF
Azaret has transfered 32 GOLD
fabe31 has transfered 2 GOLD
Cornil has transfered 1 GOLD
Jean Talcmecz has transfered 5.26 FRF
Jean Talcmecz has transfered 9.61
kojstter has transfered 1 GOLD
FFVF1er has transfered 5 FRF
Suad has transfered 2 GOLD
Mohonais has transfered 0.22 ITL
MaDDog77 has transfered 2.64 FRF
Rolfr has transfered 0.37 COP
Rolfr has transfered 0.41 IRR
Westpac has transfered 11 CNY

Pour voir l'hymne eFrançais en plus grand cliquez-ici.