Economic Report 1528

Day 1,528, 11:01 Published in Canada Canada by chriswen

Now that Raw material prices are more expensive turnover rates will be higher.

Deals on the Market:
WRM: $0.29 (depending on time of day)
FRM: $0.28

Q1 Weps: $6.77
Q2 Weps: $13.80
Q3 Weps: $19.74
Q4 Weps: $26.80
Q5 Weps: $33.00
Q6 Weps: $39.98

Q1 Foo😛 $0.61
Q2 Foo😛 $1.28
Q3 Foo😛 $1.82
Q4 Foo😛 $2.59
Q5 Foo😛 $3.28
Q6 Foo😛 $4.00

Company turnover rates
Now with the help of Gary Hubert's tool I will list the turnover rates for different companies.
I also took into account bot prices, market prices(for companies raw) , VAT costs, and also actual market costs for companies.
Grain Farm: 89.29 days
Fruit Orchar😛 89.29 days
Fishery: 230.50 days
Cattle Farm: 101.19 days
Hunting Lodge: 382.54 days

Iron Mine: 89.29 days
Oil Rig: 89.29 days
Aluminum Mine: 230.5 days
Saltpeter Mine: 101.19 days
Rubber Plantation: 382.54 days
Normally Canada does not have 60% bonus WRM and weapons

Q1 Foo😛 269.92 Days
Q2 Foo😛 354.71 Days
Q3 Foo😛 607.92 Days
Q4 Foo😛 1077.55 Days or 1237.32 Days (with 5 employees)
Q5 Foo😛 1750.74 Days or 923.05 Days (with 5 employees)

Q1 Weps: 230.64 Days
Q2 Weps: 328.02 Days
Q3 Weps: 572.16 Days
Q4 Weps: 959.77 Days or 759.85 Days (with 5 employees)
Q5 Weps: 1616.86 Days or 731.45 Days (with 5 employees)

Okay that's it for this article. I hope this has been very useful and that it will help your future financial decisions.