Day 2,653, 13:48 Published in Albania Greece by Kravenn

Hello, my dear Albanians and other readers from around the world.

Today, I won’t talk about foreign affairs about the congress list for ILLYRIANS PARTY.

First of all, some days ago : Our newly elected party president decided to resign and I became Party president.
I gained the spot because I’m the party member with the most XP inside the party. Following that, It’s my job to organise congress list.

With 10 candidates, I know that it could be very hard to elect all of us. However, I decided to give a better spot to some young and/or returning players, followed by older party members(and also based on congress activity for those who are currently in). By this way, I try to have a good "combo" between young and/or returining players and experienced ones.

Don't hide it : Vote ILLYRIANS PARTY

My choice to give opportunity to some young players (or returning ones) is simple : we need active people and giving them opportunity to be elected is also helping our beloved country.

On Illyrians party, we are always giving our best for Albania and our citizens but also keeping excellent relations with our allies (because without them, our situation could be harder than now).

I really hope that you will choose us on February 25 and don't forget to vote Illyrians Party tomorrow

Our list is the following one

1 - njesia Teli

2 - RemainingIllyrians

3 - IMIGRAlb0z

4 - Jeton Green Man

5 - Kravenn

6 - AL Commando

7 - Lazim

8 - Illyriandeathtrap

9 - Th3 Jurgen

10 - Orges13

Illyrians Party President