DMV is working for the eMuricans

Day 2,306, 11:10 Published in Canada Canada by Keven Traide

He's an eYankee stooge and you shouldn't listen to him. He wants you to dance to the tune he plays for you, and when you stumble and fall over, guess what he's gonna do to you from behind?

He wants to PTO the MDP. Let me break this down for you: The MDP are the most active, effective political party in eCanada, that put massive resources into effectively breaking eUSA's bank every time they try to get a little headway in eCanada. They have managed to organize massive RW spam against the mur'cans, and continue to pile on the damage on multiple fronts.

DMV is an American that got kicked out of his own country (again) so he came to spend time with the eCanadians that he quit on because we're just too mean for him, wah wah wah, boo friggity hoo. In order to get back into eUSA's good books, he's trying to sell eCanada to them. And the best way to do that is to disrupt the MDP from organizing as many counter attacks as possible.

Now, in my previous article, I mentioned that we aren't afraid of the eYankees, and we'll take them down by maxing out their credit cards with useless RW's all across their imperialistic reach. Part of that is working with the MDP, and our president Rylde, to coordinate these attacks as much as possible. What DMV would do is undermine exactly all of that, and leave us weak and vulnerable to eUSA invasion without any chance at disrupting them.

He will say that's not his plan, but I think the facts are plain enough; he hates us because one of our guys (I don't think he is even still here in eCanada anymore is he?) said something about DMV's out-of-Erepublik, real life stuff. He wants us to suffer, and this is where his long-play culminates. If he can cripple us for the eMurcans, he will kill two birds with one stone: Hurting the eCanada that hurt him and spurned his stupid crap, and at the same time he'll make himself look good to his eUSA sugar daddies whose laps he just wants to sit on once again.

So, make it known that he's not wanted here. Make it known that with all his fancy visabucks, he can eat a giant pile of beaver dicks, because we don't need him around here anyways.