Dio's Prophecies of Darkness - The Prophecy Number one

Day 3,473, 11:22 Published in Pakistan Pakistan by Rider of Darkness
Prophecies of Darkness.

The Prophecy Number One

“From the darkness shall raise a saviour that will guide. The promised saviour is from you and you are from him.”

A long lost book of prophecies from the time of Dio when he ruled the holy land of Pakistan has re-emerged. I Rider of darkness and protector of the book of prophecies here by decided to slowly reveal the prophecies to the followers of Dio.

As per the book the prophecy tells people of Pakistan to stay on the right path and light of Dio shall guide them out of darkness. The essence of this prophecy is not to wait for the saviour but to be the saviour yourself.
As custodian of the Prophecies of Darkness time to time I will reveal the words written in the book of prophecies.