Dear SFP

Day 2,866, 19:47 Published in USA USA by Israel Stevens

Dear SFP,

First off, congratulations on joining the Top 5. I know you’ve been been here for a bit, but today it became ‘official,’ now that you have your own candidate list for Congress.

It’s exciting having a new member of the Top 5. It means new ideas, new leaders to build relationships with, and a renewed sense of purpose in one's own party. I know that my own party has been quite active.

Politically, your party and my party are just about diametrically opposed to one another. And that’s fine. We don’t have to agree on much of anything.

But my one hope, is that you will join the political community with enthusiasm and an open mind.

It has been a very long time since we’ve had 5 active and engaged parties. I don’t just mean 5 active parties. I mean parties that fully embrace the political module. Ones that are involved in working together, or against each other. Ones that care about nominating Presidents. Ones that are willing to form alliances, or hold grudges. But most importantly, ones that are fully involved in the game.

At first, we had iNCi. And while they were a voting force to be reckoned with, at many times it felt like negotiating with terrorists, or invaders as opposed to an actual party.

And then there was the AFA. And they actually were terrorists.

And then we had BSP. And they’re active and engaged, but they’re also isolated. They don’t run with the herd anymore, whatever that means.

But now we have the Socialist Freedom Party. And I hope that you fully embrace your role as a Top 5 party. That you work with other parties. And against some too.

I’m not extending an olive branch, or hoping for an alliance. Far from it. I still disagree with you guys on most everything. But I am excited to have a new Top 5, and I am optimistic that you will take on your responsibility as a Top 5.

I hope that we have five Top 5s. Not 4+1.

Anyways... Cheers.