Dear Mr President: could you stop stealing money please? [update2]

Day 2,232, 06:24 Published in Germany Germany by eisenmutter2


he promised me an org - all i got was less money
eisenmutter2 day2232

2days ago the monetary market dropped below 1g:200cc and there was much profit being posted on the market. so i asked in my feed if someone would give me an organization to deal on MM. i even offered to let them keep the profit and would pay for losses. the president of Denmark ilphen wrote that he would if i send him 50000cc as insurance. as i asked for an org with money on it that was only fair... but what i didn't know until then:

ilphen the president of denmark is a thieving f.kkin thief!!!!!

click on images to enlarge


me sending the money

until now i have:
- not got an organization (too late now)
- not got my money back
- not even got irc logs where he brags about stealing from me

question is: who will be his next victim? the danish treasury?
i am not sure he wouldn't steal from the state. i am only sure that i don't know how to feed myself or buy weapons for fighting now as ilphen has taken the 50000cc i always use to buy stuff from market...

don't be fooled by his avatar - ilphens real face is this:


*= update: ilphen has paid for his deeds paid back the money

seems like ilphens real face looks somewhat different after all

he takes from the rich and gives it to the people who deserve it!