Day 1871 + something in Croatian....

Day 1,871, 07:21 Published in Croatia Croatia by Suster Toni

I haven't written these days too much, because of the New Year celebration ( we all know what we do at that celebration 😃 ), but I need to continue my work. This article will be published in English at first, latter I will add Croatian translations. I will start from the most interesting battles ( between 31.12.2012 - 3.1.2013 ):

1.TWO and CoT offensive to Asia

Makkah battle ended with Greece's victory. Meanwhile, Bulgaria proposed new NE law to Egypt.

I guess they were trying not to lose border with Greece, and have back up in case of losing few battles in Arabia.

NE law didn't pass, but there is one more shot: this time that is Greece...

Serbia joined the war, and won two battles without any resistance. Now we shall see what is Iran's next move. They already had deal once with Serbs, and that resulted with a big problem inside EDEN, but now they have chance to show who they are loyal to.

Turkey attacked Tabuk, while RW in Al Madinah was supported by Greeks. That was total failure – Bulgaria won both battles, and now took the initiative. Greece is at big danger to lose Asian regions, but if they take more bonuses, situation is going to change – they always need little percantage to win battle against Bulgaria.

TWO knows that Turkey can be conquered through MPPs, but in RWs that is not possible, so Hungary is attacking Black Sea Coast of Turkey.

Even the Macedonia (after failing to NE Egypt) is voting to share the meal with Bulgaria,Serbia and Hungary.

I wouldn't be suprised to see Taurida RW which will be won by „Ukraine“. Then, we will see Poland too.

Looks like, Turkey and Greece have no chances against those powerful opponents and their strategies. But they could get some help soon.


2.Croatia and India relationships

As you can see I proposed India as Natural Enemy. I will explain the situation from my point of view ( That is CPs point of view, half of text is mine, half is his – gramatic mistakes are mine 😃 ). Indonesia threatened to delete us completely and leave us without congress long period of time. Almost everyone in Croatia panicked, and we had no way out. I came to solution; why shoudn't we ask India to NE us, so we can escape little north, and continue our fighting against Indonesia. India government told us that they don't care, that we are not welcome here, and that was better there without us. I said to Croatian government that we should NE them instantly but they said no, because they are part of GEA – okey that was my mistake. But later, we found out that India is negotiating with CoT – that was betrayal. We asked again to NE us, so we could have our bonuses back – again they said NO. I had no other option – I had to propose NE law.

There was one incident in negotiations between Croats and Indians – one guy from our government named channel „#jebeškrave“ - thinking about bonus – cows, but he totaly forgot the fact that in hinduism cow is the holy animal – God. I send apologies to India in the name of Croatian government. We should have thought about it, and we had no intent to insult anyone.

Well, looks like India will be deleted, and then we will concentrate to help our allies. India is just a toy now, everyone plays with it, unitil it becomes boring to CoT and TWO - Thailand is better allie to them......

I can't find anything to write about it, it is too peaceful these days.

Kao što je napisano na engleskom jeziku, nemam puno za reći o pozadini pregovora s Indijom i Tajlandom, većina je toga izašla u predsjednikovu članku. Bio sam upoznat s navedenim kanalom, i moram priznati da su mi odmah krave pale napamet kao resurs, ne kao svetinja u Indiji. Predložio sam MoFa timu zajedno s Frojlom da nas NEaju kako bi se prvotno spasili od Indonezije, ali to je odbijeno zbog neutralnosti i opasnosti od indonezijske gumice. Drugi put žele da im još platimo ovo malo bonusa što imamo, a ne žele staviti NE na nas kako bi povezali bonuse. Žao mi je Indijaca koji su govorili vladi da su njabovi ( a bogami se pojavio i jedan bot, kojeg ne doživljavam pretjerano – vidio sam dokaze da je bot jednog srpskog igrača) ali ostavit ćemo im možda jednu regiju, napominjem možda, jer je moguć potpun pokušaj PTO-a.

Rat s Tajlandom nam ne bio odgovarao jer bi eventualno mogli biti izbrisani ( i to je mogućnost) , ali mogli bi i doći do Južnog Tajlanda – dobivamo Indose opet za susjeda – i onda sve ispočetka.

Ušuškat ćemo se neko vrijeme u Indiji, živjeti tamo kao paraziti, uštedjeti 200 golda mjesečno – puno više novca za HV, a imat ćemo bolje šanse za pokoji RW u core regijama i pomoć saveznicima. Indijski RW-ovi će biti malčice teži, ali tek ako dođu ujedinjeni Bugari,Poljaci i ostali u pomoć – ipak mislim da im je s ovim cijenama preskupo putovati do Indije i natrag.

Moramo se boriti u Turskoj i Grčkoj, jer ako dođu do Pakistana sav TWO i COT savez, a s desne strane Španjolska,SAD i Brazil, a odozgo prema nekim glasinama i Rusija – Kina se neće moći obraniti od svih njih. Ostat ćemo posljednja EDEN kula. Razmišljaj pametno...