Crowd Sourcing, the Ultimate SCAM, Oh FU

Day 2,645, 11:09 Published in USA Pakistan by Frodo Tea Baggins

It's a long weekend, a day off oh thank you, thank you. Except it's been 30 below for weeks and I refuse to leave the house so meh. I could be a little bored. With that said and it being common knowledge I more or less quit playing 5 months ago, I also haven't totally disappeared, obviously I'm here writing this, I have hung around slightly to help with a few things I believe in. A good ingame friend Custer, a great guy that let me co-host enpr back in the day, started a new party the Old F*U. To top that he started a program I could get fully behind the SCAM.

When I decided to leave the game I turned over everything I owned to the SCAM program, I still currently hold nothing in my player account beyond a few dollars I've recieved from article endorsements which I turn over regularly back into the SCAM. I like to write still on occasion but keeping such merger funds just seems pointless anyway, it did however lead me to another idea. Crowd-funding or crowd-sourcing is a very legit way to raise funds for worthy causes. Being broke can be tough but it helps keeping me from returning like an addict to play the game, I survive.

Most game mechanics and government programs are all designed to help the new player, a noble and ambitious task that I can't say a bad thing about. Old F*cks United looked at something different however. There were a large number of players who became disillustioned with things such as v1, v1.5, v2 and v3 that may have decided to return for any reason. Are these people bad? No of course not, they may have been some of the greatest players from that time they quit in but are now at an extreme disadvantage due to new mechanics they completely missed the implementation of. SCAM is here to help. It may seem weird to help a player that is older than you are, however you have to take the mindset that when you may have started help was there to make you the best you could be. For some of these older players there was no help because things such as lvl 2, 3 and 4 training grounds didn't even exist. SCAM was designed to help them. Trust me I have no limit on posting helpful tips.

The long story short is simple, I ask you to endorse this article to contribute to the SCAM program and help some Old F*ck be the best he can be. Every dollar will go to the program because with my player account being 0 dollars and 0 gold there is no confusion, every penny will go back in.

Remember: Endorse, shout, link.

and most wickedly I did as I sailed
Kaptain Kidd