CP Udate: Theft, Boot Camp, and Ireland

Day 1,796, 20:42 Published in Ireland United Kingdom by Rikian1776

Dear people of Ireland,

I have been trying to put off the update on the second theft until the admins completed the tickets, but it appears that they are in the midst of a whirlwind investigation over this one. This one is pretty serious. Ideally, we'll get word back on everything tomorrow.

Anyway, I wanted to let people know that I have received a few donations for Boot Camp, which is fantastic. I am keeping track of donations and will publish an article about it at the end of each month. Please continue to donate so that we can take a little bit of a load off of the government and help our young new citizens.

As I'm sure everyone has read by now, one of our MoD's has left the country. Thanatos will be missed, but I'm sure he'll be back one day. He'll be back when this corruption and thievery is done with. How can we survive as a nation if our own people are robbing us blind? We are better than this. We have the capability of becoming one of the greatest nations in this eWorld, but we will never reach our potential if we are constantly bickering and stealing from each other. Selfishness has NO place in Ireland. Congress has to step up and actually talk to each other about upcoming proposals. Anytime someone makes a proposal, it is a reflection on us as a country and can have serious consequences. Take the NE proposal on the UK by Hateful. His selfish action could have brought a war to our doorstep and a wipe to our country. His reason for doing it was to get True Patriot medals. I understand the need to work on our TP's, but it has to be done in a deliberate and thought out way. We have to work together as a country. Not as an amalgamation of parties.

We will persevere. We will return to our formal glory, but it has to be done one step at a time with everyone helping.

United we stand, divided we fall.

Let's do our best to keep each other honest. Let's set up a culture that doesn't tolerate a thief. Let's help each other grow as players. Help your Irish brothers and/or sisters before they ask for help. If the youngest among us are taken care of, we will be a great and powerful nation.

Let's be that nation.
