Change is constant

Day 1,047, 10:09 Published in Russia China by Donnie Bronco

Hello everyone,
This is me, and this will be a very short article, just providing you with some new info.
A lot of work needs to be done, there's no time to lose and as the title suggests, there is a need for change, a new team of people have been selected to lead the alliance.

A few days ago Lithuania fell under Polish occupation, and along with Russia and Portugal, needs to be freed from the aggressors.

I literally came back from "twoclick" status just because of this, couldn't stand watching the current situation.

In the last couple of months, we've seen an incredible Phoenix inactivity regarding daily battles, mobile troops involvement, etc.
We're nowhere to be found, except when we are defending highly important regions (such as Liaoning).

Let me be honest with all of you...

The EDEN alliance is stronger in almost every way, economically and militarily.
It has always been known that EDEN countries draw their strength from gold usage, and Phoenix relies on numbers.
Phoenix countries have more people, and as we all know - active people are the true treasure of this game.
We, as a whole, need to SNAP OUT of this lethargy, mobilize everyone and look at the global picture.
Yesterday it was Lithuania, today it's Slovenia, who will be next?

That's why my goal will be to reinvigorate this alliance, expand our sphere of influence, refresh our economic supplies, and in the process liberate our brothers from Russia, Lithuania and Portugal.
We need to make sure everyone is safe to e-live in their own free countries.

Stay tuned, interesting things are coming.

Secretary General of Phoenix - Clueless
Deputy Secretary General - Frerk
Supreme Commander Team - Dermont, Tavo92, Teknik
Treasurer - Iain Keers