Bonus Points Loyalty ???

Day 4,393, 03:16 Published in Romania Republic of Moldova by BATRANUL99

Dragul meu PLATO,

Bonus Puncte Loialitate = FAKE NEWS?

Eu de aceea am cumparat pachetele, sa avansez mai repede la treapta superioara.

Daca stiam ca punctele bonus de loialitate nu se pun, nu cumparam pachete.
Cel putin pentru mine, a fost reclama falsa !

Daca nu ma treci la treapta superioara, macar du-ma cu punctajul la limita maxima a treptei curente.
Eu nu am primit nici 1 punct bonus, desi am cumpara 3 pachete (2 pachete de 5 euro si 1 de 10 euro), si trebuia sa primesc 200 puncte sau *200 (*50 + *50 + *100) de loialitate.

My dear PLATO,

Bonus Points Loyalty = FAKE NEWS?

That's why I bought the packages, to move faster to the higher gear.

If we knew that the loyalty bonus points were not being paid, we would not buy packages.
At least for me, it was fake advertising!

If you do not pass me to the upper gear, at least take me with the score at the maximum limit of the current step.
I did not receive 1 bonus point, although I bought 3 packages (2 packages of 5 euros and 1 of 10 euros), and I had to receive 200 points or * 200 (* 50 + * 50 + * 100) loyalty.

All the BEST, your friend,