BigAnt: Uncovered

Day 1,990, 12:15 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Citizen 4945322

Well, if the last few weeks has taught us anything, it is that in the eUK we really only have one person who is really fighting us. They hide behind the party of New Era, they bring that party down, they drag it through the mud. Yes, you might say, there is Dapper and Winston, but I have to remind you that they are not official members of New Era. Even Goku Jones, a person I know who is not liked among certain elements of the eUK community has been overly silent (this might just be activity, if so, blame it on coincidence).

This person is of course, Big Ant. Or if you are an older player, Sir Scott Williamson.

Now interesting fact about Sir Scott Williamson:

Yes, that is a permanent ban, which lasts forever. So if the account is banned, then they can return with a new account. However, we all know that if somebody does something once, they will not be afraid to do it again.

You may profess that there is no evidence that BigAnt is SSW. Well, thats where you are wrong, and its a lot more profound than anything they have on likes of Hugh (I've taken this from the forum without permission. I hope you give me your blessing):

Sir Scott Williamson Account details from eUK Forum (OWNERSHIP FRERK)

Something strange here. Dan Moir would never say something like that...(OWNERSHIP KRAVENN)

Well, there we go. BigAnt's e-mail is a near close match to that of SSW's. Coincidence?

A trace on BigAnt's IP again leads to one that matches that of the mactown2007 e-mail account, used by SSW.


So, first, there is the proof. BigAnt is SSW, who was banned for I believe multi accounting. Would we really put it past the man with 29 Society Builder awards to multi account? Who has done it before and got caught...

Look. Multiple Accounts gets a permanent Ban! (TAKEN FROM A BIGANT ARTICLE)


Now, we always hear how New Era is committed to letting the young speak up, to be heard. So surely this should extend to all areas of the game, including the media. We should surely have new players in the top 5, having their voice heard.

Well, try telling that to BigAnt, one of the most vocal New Era members.

At the moment, read these two top 5 articles, one of which has had votes bought for it again:

BigAnt's Bought Vote Article. Why Buy Votes? Well, nobody is gonna vote something they have read before...

The original article, now two.

So, rather than having the chance of a new player in the top 5 with an article, BigAnt would rather there be two of the same article! And people at New Era listen to him when he says they give new players a voice?

Its the same with his articles since he joined New Era. Rather than giving a newbie the chance of a top-5 article and publicity, he would rather this:

Given that the majority of comments come from people who will not vote his articles out of principle, where are they all coming from? Did 60 of his friends not turn up and vote his apology (to which he has broken only a couple of days later with his latest article)?


I will again reiterate my assertions about BigAnt/SSW. He is a proven cheat, he has been permanently banned which he has then ignored and is thus breaking the Erepublik rules, he will drag the New Era party name further into the dirt, he does not care for party principles: He has been *Loyal* to in his time: ESO, UKPP, New Era, PCP, and even when you check SSW's newspaper TUP themselves.

Gain some of your credibility back, New Era. Get rid of BigAnt, and maybe bridges can be reconstructed between the other parties of the eUK and you. Otherwise,

The Road is Long.


All info which could be regarded as personal (not by me anyway) will be removed after two days)