Baby Boom or Bust?

Day 2,280, 11:16 Published in Canada Canada by Auk Rest

Over the past week or past several days, eCanada has been gaining citizens at a seemingly rapid rate. I'm not sure what the exact citizen number was in the country before this influx started happening, but eCanada currently has 1405 citizens at the time of this article. I know checking back one or two months ago that number was closer to 1000.

We can also see that the Canadian Progressive Front has gained around ~30 members and the Conservative Party of Canada has ballooned from ~15 members a week ago to 58(!) today. The party is almost entirely consisted of players under the level of 30, with many of them being born in the past few weeks but other low level players born at varying points over the past several years. I haven't seen any major movements in the MDP, PFC, or Rolo's Horse House but I haven't been following them, they could also have had some movement.

So what's going on here? To tell you the truth, I have no idea. If these citizens are multis then you must wonder why they weren't used in the election yesterday. The CPF vote total of 55 was completely unchanged from January-February, with the MDP posting similar numbers as last month and the CCP voting numbers actually declining from a month ago where there was a heated race for PP. The big decrease in voters came from the PFC, where last month, this player and his multi army tried to take control over it. This month Saradinus ran for PP of the Conservative Party but did not post the same numbers. Did he not feel secure in using all his multis on this election and is waiting for a future one? I'm not sure but this situation is definitely something to watch in the future.

Anyone else with thoughts about this should post below in the comments.