Awesome script and addons - Ugodniji gameplay je moguć!

Day 1,820, 06:31 Published in Poland Switzerland by keskese

In this article, I will present you a few features that will make your gameplay much easier. This txt brings a description of script and addons that will bust your satisfaction up.

At the beginning, important note. I won't give you a direct links to a script and addons since Admin will delete my article and he will give me some FPs. I've seen it so many times... But you can find all mentioned simply by typing a name of feature in google or other web search tools. Don't be lazy, don't send me messages.

Script is Serbian made. 🙂 The author is Boban Stajic ttp://

For a long time, the best erepublik script was eRepublik advanced made by Roktaal, also serbian player.(fast fact😒erbs are awesome). Erepublik went through many changes, Roktaal got bored and eRepublik advanced slowly began to lose its functionality. Personaly, I didn't uninstall it, but this tool is about to become obsolite. Good thing about this script is that it can be used as a guidance for new authors such as Boban( review of taxes for countries with licences, i.e).

Here we go

eRepublik Stuff

Features of a script:

1. It provides a current times of battles and current results for active campaigns

Very useful information for those who strive to fight from very beginning of the mini round

2. It provides with information of current damage in the mini and Top fighters in campaign

This script updates changes of damage in your division, not so perfect, but it is more reliable then Battle statistics.

3. Auto Recover Energy- great feature

Script settings gives you a possibility to recover your Food fight automaticly, without use of energy bars. In upper left corner you can set amount of energy you want to be replanished.

With another feature, this is great combo 🙂

4. For those obsessed with strength and damage- Profile page enhancments, calculation of FF damage per types of weapons and calculation of training costs

Features like this are available at some websites, but you can calculate your damage in your profile page


5. Moving helper

This addon is for itself. It calculates the cheapest way of transport to a desired country/region. You can find it at the same website as eRepublik Stuff. This is a picture of a feature after you install it.

6. Reload every addon

Very popular feature that refreshes your tab. Simple, light and useful which will allow you to have full Food fight at the beginning of your eDay combined with with Auto recovery option, mentioned above. This will ease your hunt for CH. This is firefox addon. You can set it from drop down menu after you install it.

7. Mercenary achievement

Addon which lists current state of your kills for different countries. The same website that brings erepublik Stuff and moving helper offers this addon. Here are some selfexplaing pictures.

Now, you can see how many countries from 50 aimes are finished, which countries, which countries have 1-10/11-20/21-24 kills.

I hope that this scripts will help you to gather more medals.

Please Vote&Sub&shout




U ovom članku ću se baviti dodacima, tačnije skriptama i addon-ovoima, koji omogućavaju brže i lakše igranje ove raspale igre. Ja je igram iz čiste navike jer mi žao da batalim profil u koji su utrošene hiljade sati(auuuu....).

Na samom startu, bitna napomena. Neću vam dati direktne linkove ka dodacima jer takve članke admin po pravilu briše i kači FP-ove. Iz opisa i uz banalno guglanje je moguće svaki pomenuti pronaći, te ne budite lenji.

Kao prvo, skripta i to domaća. Naš čovek, iz Pantera napravio. Boban Stajic

Dugo vremena najbolja skripta je bila eRepublik advanced koju je naravno napravio srbin iz SJEBa, Roktaal. Igra se menjala, Roktaal se smorio i ova skripta je lagano odumrla. Nisam je uninstalirao, ali njena funkcionalnost je trenutno na niskom nivou. Ono čumu ona može da koristi Bobanu i ostalima je par delova koje treba dodatno modulirati kao što je dodatak sa pregledom poreza po zemljama za koje imate licence.


eRepublik Stuff

Ova skripta je trenutno ona koju ja koristim. Odlična je jer daje nekoliko vrlo korisnih stvari.

1. Daje pregled vremena i trenutnog rezultata za sve aktivne kamapanje

Vrlo korisna stvar za one koji čekaju prvu sekundu bitke kako bi počeli da udaraju svoj FF i resto.

2. Daje pregled štete u trenutnoj mini rundi kao i Top borce u kampanji.

Skripta vernije, mada ne idealno, kupi promene pričinjene štete, mnogo bolje nego Battle statistics.

3. (uf, ovo je odlična opcija) Auto Recover Energy

Skripta omogućava da podesite automatsko punjenje FF bez koriščenja Energy bar-ova. U gornjem levom uglu se nalaze sva podešavanja za ovu opciju i skriptu.

Uz dodatak koji ću predstaviti, kombinacija je još bolja 🙂

4. Za sve koje vole da ga mere- Poboljšanja profila, računanje snage i štete

Dodaci ovog tipa postoje i na nekim sajtovima, ali je ova skripta objedinila nekoliko stvari, pa i ovu.

5. Moving helper

Ovo je zaseban addon, koji računa najjeftiniji transport do željene zemlje/regije. Imate ga na istom sajtu na kom se nalazi i e-Stuff, a evo i slike kako izgleda nakon instalacije.

6. Reload every addon

Popularan addon koji osvežava stranicu. Ovo je ultra lak i korisan dodatak koji će vam u kombinaciji sa goreopisanom Auto recovery opcijom omogućiti maksimalan FF kad se probudite 🙂 Vrlo korisno ako jurite, recimo, CH 🙂 Naći ćete ga medju firefox addonovima, a pokrećete ga desnim klikom i podešvate iz drop down menu-ja.

7. Mercenary achievement- buuuuhuuuu za sve izdajice!

Addon koji lista trenutno stanje vaših killova za različite zemlje. Isti sajt kao i moving helper nudi ovaj addon. Evo par samoobjašnjavajućih slika.

Možete videti koliko od 50 potrebnih ste već ispunili, koje su to zemlje, koliko imate zemalja kod kojih ste imali 1-10/11-20/21-24 killova. Prilično je dobra, ali u kombinaciji sa skriptom deformiše preglednost stranice sa kampranjama pa vam preporučujem da je samo povremeno koristite tako što je uključite, osvetlite mercenary, iskljućite i pucate. Nešto kao radar lampaš 99-te. 🙁

Nadam se da će vam ovo olakšati jurnjavu za zlatom sa ostalim pacovima.

Za one kojima sam poznat kao šinter, da predupredim pitanja. Moj lov kučeta je u stand by režimu jer mi je žao choweka. Zna on o čemu pričam.
