Awesome Military (Part II) and Idiots Galore!

Day 1,553, 17:55 Published in USA USA by John Killah

You know you all love it 😃

Why hello there eAmerica, it’s a lovely day outside, even if it is so cold that I need a sweater on over my t-shirt.

So, today my article is 2 parts follow up, 1 part new topic. The agenda will follow this, but first, I would like to say some words. The following article represents my own views, as well as the personal views of others. Their views are their own and have no been coerced or represent official views of organisations.

The agenda today –

1) – Congress, Where I’m running!
2) – The National Guard is NOT a dead-end
3) – Why Political views are almost irrelevant

Lets get started!

1) – I’m gunning for Congress! In Texas!

Yep, that’s right, I’m running in Texas! The lone star state famous for people such as Steve Austin (Wrestler), Dwight Eisenhower (President), Joan Crawford (Actress), Buddy Holly (Singer) … and unfortunately, George W Bush (Can’t win them all).

Now, I’m still not going to make any promises on changing the tax code, or that I’ll achieve everlasting peace … or that I’ll get Plato himself to reverse some decisions. But I will promise that I’m going to be one of those congressmen that sell citizenships, “test” the pretty new buttons, or make stupid proposals like NOT donating the $99,999 to the CBO like we should be.

So why should you vote for me? Simple question back, Why not? What would you lose? Nothing. Congress however, would lose new blood, new blood that it deserves so that lessons can be passed on to newer and younger generations.

So come 25th of February, do the right thing, vote JK in Texas.

You know this is what you’d like to see

2) – Why the National Guard is not a Dead-End

So, in my last article, I mentioned that the National Guard was being looked unfairly down upon. It was after this article someone (we’ll call him A) mentioned to me that a person outside of the eUS Military (If you’re gonna leave a comment telling me I’ve said it wrong, don’t bother) upon hearing that A was a National Guard member, declared he wouldn’t go anywhere and that the NG was a political dead end.

This riled me, because, yes, we have low requirements. Yes we’re not all politically active. But that is because most of the NG Members are there because they can be supplied while showing minimal activity. Are we ALL politically inactive? HELL NO! The NG is NOT a dead end, and members there are starting to prove it.

Me and Jack Mensley are the current PP and VPP (CoS) of the American Military Party. Jack is a multiple time Congressman, I’m currently a NSC Deputy. But that’s not all now is it? Let looks at some former NG members, and even ask a couple what they said –

Kria_Erikson, Extremely well known and loved, she’s a multiple-time Party President, and she’s been all sorts of places in the executive (In a position, not as a hand around … Kria has class!), and she has been a former NGer, she was infact, my PCO at one point if I remember

Ligtreb was a former NG member … and we all know how well loved and respected he was. He was amazing, I wish he still played ;_;

Leroy_Combs was an NG Member a long long way back, so he may not see what the guard is like now, but he had this to say – Any branch of the military can be a "Dead-End" if you don't increase the number of people you know or interact with. You would need to make the decision if you want to hang out with people you like or if you want to increase the number of people you hang out with in order to get into politics

Jerseygirldani (Guys … jaws off the floor, please … you’re drooling), has been in the NG, and she was kind enough to give me some of her time (That’s all, she’s a lovely woman :3) to answer my question In the past I would have tended to disagree. I got involved in politics/the government *after* i left NG so obviously being from the guard didn't hurt me any. However, that was pre-JCS/gov split. Personally, I loved my time in the NG, everyone was fun and friendly

And finally, George Armstrong Custer … the man in charge of churning out the WHPR Articles we all know and love, he had this to say about the NG - I was only in the Guard for a couple months, back when I was fighting JCS leadership to allow Congressmen to also serve in the other JCS branches. I never got active, really. But a couple things did strike me than and more recent contacts have shown the same to still be true: no IRC room? in a game that's all about social groups beyond the limited scope of the game itself, that's just wrong. little to no effort to promote the Guard through the media? that's just lazy. so.. in those ways.. the Guard has made itself invisible, or extremely opaque. it does nothing to make itself attractive, and so it is not attractive.

To quickly answer GAC’s impressions – We do have a room, but it’s passworded. We are trying to promote the NG more than we used to. But at the end of the day, should the NG be looked down on for mistakes it’s trying to correct? No.

We has Kittehtanks …. What have you got!?”

3) – Political Views are pointless in eRep … Pizza

So, I was thinking hard about what to do this section, and I did consider scrapping a 3rd section and just sticking up to a follow up article. But then I found an article (Which I will link to below this section of writing) and it got me thinking about what would be a good idea to write in this article.

So, we all know that parties in this game have a “leaning” in the political sense … Centre-Left, Centre Right, Far Right etc etc … Now, my titles point is that it’s just plain retarded. I haven’t been in congress or been president, but even I know that the scope of their roles is severely limited in relation to RL Politics.

So why do we bother saying if we’re left, right, conservative when it truly has very little reasoning in a game where taxes are the only thing we have even a modicum of control of. The only thing that the political views are good for, is enticing new players who don’t know any better in the game. And what better example, then the huge failure that is Pizza the Hutt (General Cartman Lee).

We all know what he’s like, but the newer players don’t. He lures them in by using the notion that he stands for true conservative in a game, where political ideologies can’t truly be fulfilled. So Plato, why not sort this out? Why not diversify the game or remove the political positions altogether?

Here’s that article I promised

Pizza is this, and Plato for not sorting it out

A new segment in my paper, The Guests’ Corner will be a special place where people can talk briefly about anything erep related. It’s a place where I can help bring them out into the media splotlight

Todays Guest! – John Largo

1. It is illegal to to sell citizenship (metagame not mechanics). Selling citizenship means receiving the money and then granting citizenship. I believe if all congressmen took the money and then did not grant citizenship, then fewer enemies would be asking to buy it. They would eventually learn that they would be getting screwed over. Political Parties need to be the responsible entities for this issue and they should both screen as well as educate their candidates to keep our e-nation safe.

2. It is not illegal to buy votes but it is frowned upon (metagame). In my experience the concensus is that it is ok to pay moving costs and reimburse any lost health with food, but nothing more. That said I have noticed that each election there seem to be more and more shouts offering to buy votes each election. I would rather candidates win over voters with well constructed platforms (with nice pictures), but the reality is that most vote strictly along party lines or for friends and the remaining voters usually do not know enough to make an educated decision, so some extra guns or gold means more to them that a coin flip amongst people they do not know.

I think this falls back on the parties as well. From a game mechanics standpoint, parties can't really do too much, but their potential for setting standards via their influence is largely untapped. I believe each party should develop their own policy on vote buying and enforce it with through education and vetting their candidates.

You can get more of below, click the link to go to their newspaper!

The Featured Article is an article which I found interesting, important, or entertaining. The author is not aware they have been chosen unless they read this article. Asking for a feature may or may not get it placed here.

Today’s Featured Article is from – Emperor Rick

This article caught my eye because it’s unusual for starters. Not many people have done a poll of all the major parties and asked them questions such as “Whats your religion” or “What’s your favourite music”. The fact this guy has, and made quite a great article out of it, shows that he’s clearly got something going for him.

So I really think you should check this article out.

Link to the article below, click the image

And finally … the boobs 😃

Boobs this article from Amy Diamond! If you don’t get an instant boner from this guys … well, you’re gay

Keep it chillin eAmerica!