Asgard Vikings Nyhetsbrev dag 1886

Day 1,886, 00:47 Published in Sweden Sweden by JeguljaM


Jag kan stolt säga att det mesta är på plats nu sen vi valde att slå ihop våra MUs. Just nu har Asgard Vikings 60 medlemmar. Det har nyligen varit kaptensval och samtidigt byte av commander. Vi har även nya avatarer som Asgards fiender sent ska glömma! (Special thanks to Cmurgh for all graphics)


Commander: Enenra

2nd Commander: Andrefonia

2nd Commander: Daariil

Speaker: Alfons Haschberg

Ekonomiskt stöd
Då MFD är ett militärtekonomiskt parti som stödjer skapningen av en allians-MU, dock inofficiell så enligt omröstning i vårt privata forum ska 2 guld per kongressman gå till Asgard Vikings. Kan rapportera att 100% var för förslaget. Det blir väl ca 8 guld per månad och de delas ut i form av priser i Q7 vapen, främst till nya spelare. T.ex. aktivaste soldaten i division 1-3, mest deltagande i IRC-order osv. I framtiden hoppas vi på att kunna bli en enhet med egna vapenföretag för att kunna ge våra medlemmar större fördelar och effektivitet.

Just nu använder vi Rizon till våra dagliga fighter. Vi ses kl 19.00 sen antingen backar vi upp flera strider eller bygger en mur i en. Vi försöker slåss så smart som möjligt och samarbetar gärna med andra MUs. Vem vi slår för ser ut ungefär såhär enligt prioritet: 1. TSM-order 2. För Sverige 3. För Asgard 4. för EDEN.

Snabb jämförelse med Topp 5 MUs - dag 1884
1. The Swedish Military - 208,459,360 (35.35% of Sweden)
2. TSM-SOG - 105,265,360 (17.85% of Sweden)
3. Asgard Vikings - 67,712,260 (11.48% of Sweden)
4. Thulsa Doom - 57,764,340 (9.79% of Sweden)
5. Svensk Soldat - 18,170,840 (3.08% of Sweden)

Note: Asgard Vikings använde högst sannolikt bara Food fights så Asgard Vikings kommer hålla sig uppe på topp 3, eventuellt topp 2 i skada. Asgard Vikings är i dagsläget den starkaste privata MU:n. All info är tagen från 🙂

My name is Mongis. I love playing in the village with my friends, Erksos, pararam and BigAnt. We have lots of games to play. One day we were playing hide and seek. It was Norways time to go first. Then I was on so I counted to one hundred and then looked up. Straight away I saw something like a dragon's head, then a huge colourful sail. I knew it was The Asgard Vikings.

I yelled "The Vikings are coming. The Vikings are coming!!, Swedes, Finnish, Norwegians and Canadians everywhere!" Two of my friends believed me but BigAnt thought it was a trick to catch him. We looked for him for a while but we couldn't find him. We looked back to sea. The Vikings were very close now. There were eleven ships in all and we could see the most blood curdling dragon's heads sculpted onto the front of the ships. We ran as fast as our legs would go roaring "Viking, Vikings, the Vikings are coming".

One of the monks sounded the alarm bell in the round tower. There were frightful shouts and screams. Men rushed around looking for their wives and children. The chieftain shouted "Go to the round tower". We all scampered towards the tower with our valuable belongings. The monks got their precious manuscripts and chalices. When most of us were safe the ladder was pulled up.

We were safe but the Vikings went through the UK. They took any valuables that were left and they burned the church. They set fire to the thatched roofs. They took the people who had not reached the tower as slaves. All we had worked for over the years was wrecked in minutes.

When the Vikings left we came down from the tower. Everybody was devastated. We went to look for BigAnt. "BigAnt, BigAnt", we shouted "Where are you?" "He's probably half way across the Irish sea by now" said Erksos. I saw the rushes by the pond tremble. I ran over. I heard sobs. There he was crouching among the rushes. "I saw them!" he muttered "They were terrifying". "It's all right. They're gone now" I said.

We started to rebuild the village straight away. This time we built it further from the sea.

Alfons Haschberg