Application form for Croats in USA [Eng/Cro]

Day 1,799, 15:54 Published in USA Croatia by Void elf

Once again hi to all.
Firstly I want to thank you on good coordination and every support you gave to the USA in this difficult time. As fully US citizen you've shown your best interests for this country in terms of commitment and refusing to have any business with AFA (American Freedom Alliance) and their serbian-pizza's PTOers.
Good job to all!
For better coordination and support among Croats in the USA we made an application form and the list of RL Croats with US citizenship.
The application form you can find here :

Fill it and join the community. We offer you the best and valid information (both in interests of Croatia and USA), the information of current events in the country and support in terms of supplies.
Couple of things to note:
- do not join the AFA (American Freedom Alliance) party, or if you're currently there move to any other party
- ignore the guy named Ronald Gipper Reagan and his stories
- feel free to express you opinion but all in the rules of nice behavior
- note that with your acts you represent yourself and your mother country (so no cheating and spamming)

On next elections you'll get an instructions where to vote.

NOTE: This is only a recommendation, you're not obliged to follow any of this.

-croatian version-

Pozdrav svima.
Prvo vam želim zahvaliti na dobroj suradnji i podršci svima koju ste dali SAD-u ovom teškom trenutku. Kao punopravni američki državljani ste pokazali svoje najbolje interese o ovoj zemlji u pogledu predanosti i odbijanja bilo kakve veze sa AFA (American Freefom Alliance) strankom i njihovim srpskim i Pizzinim PTOerima.
Dobar posao!
Za bolju koordinaciju i podršku među Hrvatima u eSAD-u napravili smo prijavnicu i popis RL Hrvata s američkim državljanstvom.
Obrazac za prijavu možete pronaći ovdje:

Ispunite i pridružite se zajednici. Nudimo vam najbolje i valjane informacije (u interesu eHrvatske i eSAD-a), informacije o aktualnim događajima u zemlji i podršku u smislu opskrbe.
Par stvari za napomenuti:
- Ne pridružujte se AFA (American Freedom Alliance) stranci, ili ako ste trenutno tamo preselite se u bilo koju drugu stranku
- Ignorirajte tipa koji je s nickom Ronald Reagan Gipper i njegove priče
- Slobodno izrazite svoje mišljenje, ali sve u pravilima lijepog ponašanja
- Imajte na umu da sa svojim djelima predstavljate sebe i svoju zemlju (tako da nema varanja i spamanja)

Na sljedećim izborima ćete dobiti upute gdje da glasuju.

NAPOMENA: Ovo je samo preporuka, niste dužni slijediti bilo što od navedenog.

thank you all
representative of Croat community in USA