Another Idea

Day 1,843, 02:27 Published in India Finland by Akshit Thakur

The Editor's Column (Caution:-Editor's 14 years old,the article can have some childish things 😛)


During the start of this year, I thought about MU organization.(Here) Now, it has become a reality(of course, not me who conducted it 😛 ). We have different MUs for different needs, i.e. MARCOS for Div3 and 4,while BRATS for Div 1 and 2.
I thought of another political party for newbies {Here).It also became a reality, still not formed by me.(Actually,I did not have enough funds for the party 🙁 ). As the new party isn't made by me, its not for newbies.. 🙁 .

I then thought of leaving this e-country and go to Australia(for True Patriot). I,then, after my CS request expired, remained in India.
I think that we need to touch 1000 pop. mark ASAP,then look ahead further. If we increase our strength,we strengthen our Nation, and get back all the regions lent to Croatians(for our own growth after a reasonably good pop.). Then,going further, I think India can flourish and become one of the strongest eNation.(of couse, in army-size) 😛
I am not saying to have enough pop. to reach the top.. just to be stable enough to spread fear in the neighbors and perhaps we will impearlise(which has not happened in RL's history 😛 )

As i said above, all my ideas were not made a reality by me, I want someone (if possible) to hold a baby boom contest,Mr. President, just think about it 🙂. The reason behind me not starting any special baby boom contest is that I am low at cc 🙁 . I don't also say that we don't invite new people, its just that there needs to be some reason behind inviting other people.e.g. a certain reward for a certain no. of people. I also tried by inviting some of my RL friends,but three(or all) of them, did not stay for long 🙁 .
Signing off,
Akshit(The Editor)