An eRep game of Supremacy

Day 1,787, 01:08 Published in Australia Australia by Callumh123

I have been thinking of getting a big game of supremacy started again. The game will be run by the admin, which will be me but of course I will also be a player. I will basically make sure it maintains a certain standard of activity.

If people are interested comment below, also what sort of game should we do?

Set teams? Small map, big map? etc...


Never played before? That's fine, sign up here.

We have tried this before and worked to relative success, it also sprung smaller game between players as well. It is basically why I have started a game as it provided something else which is completely free and fun.

Basically the objective of the game is to well, be the biggest country possible for total supremacy. Each person gets a country to control, there are resources and resources you can extract to be able to build stuff, you have armies that you control and grow daily.

Revenue, media etc.. It is awesome. It is a game of patience. The game can go from a few weeks to a few months depending on the play. The longest I have seen play was almost 10 months.

One week you may be the worst off, but if you play your cards right you could be at the top for the next week coming.

A trailer is provided here.

Supremacy Strategy Part 1
Supremacy Strategy Part 2

When we have the numbers, I will ask people to choose a country.

Player sign up sheet(This will replicate the amount of users I will be adding):

-Joesph Rich