An ally of my ally

Day 1,760, 07:40 Published in USA USA by Ariakis

No - it isn't the troll article I promised, also it's not the seriousstuff article I have in mind. One famous quote says that An enemy of my enemy is my friend, but what should go for A friend of my friend is...?

Battle no. 4,tnZ9X,Boy63,12hza,5dxwX,pzoC0,1BFb3#6

So, what do you think - who is an ally of my ally?
And what will eUS government say if the next rouge NE proposal will be directed against the certain green country?

And one might also ask why the strongest country when it comes to raw damage has so much problems against the 5th one, which is almost 3 times weaker? While having the battle set as CotD and is fighting home. 🙂

Yours truly pTOing