A Response to "The Sensible Voice"

Day 494, 08:27 Published in Canada Canada by Jacobi

Sensible Voices has an interesting article here: http://www.erepublik.com/en/article/-wgc-in-retrospect-the-hungarian-to-attempt-evidence--764941/1/20 which attempts to justify the undemocratic efforts of the government in regards to the Hungarian takeover.

Now, in that article he mentions the dissenters of the government actions, of which I was probably the most vocal and says that those people did not present an alternative to the government list.

Well, as it happens, I did.

As it happens, the day before the election, I proposed that we simply say advise the Canadian populace through the media that the NC-BPQ members were Hungarian, not that we use official resources to promote some candidates and discredit others.

Maybe not as effective as the government plan, but it had the virtue of being constitutional, non-hysterical, and not a direct attack on our democratic values.

Speaking of the effectiveness of the government's list, obviously the 62 people who voted for Cleo in Ontario, or many of the others who over voted candidates didn't believe the threat was credible... which it turns out was to their credit.

I can't say that a document in english floating around the Hungarian irc channel makes a truck load of sense either. It would be as if I were to make a secret takeover plan only to write it in the language of my enemy for his easy translation.

The bottom line for me is that the possibility that tax payers money went into mobilizing the CAF to vote for some candidates is an affront to our democracy. The government's actions subverted our democracy and at best were the product of ill advised paranoia.

Now, I'm not attempting to portray myself completely in a black and white lens, as I think it makes perfect sense in the upcoming Party elections to make sure as a country that foreign elements do not gain control of any Canadian parties. We all, in the game, have a right to vote once in a party for its leader, and there is nothing preventing us from joining a party and stopping a take over.


The government should not be paying canadians to run in parties, the government should not be using the CAF to vote in party elections, and the government should generally not be in the business of determining who should be leader of what party.

Let Canadians make their own decisions...that's what Democracy is all about.