A Party Political Broadcast from the People's Real Social Democratic Party

Day 971, 12:37 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Spite313
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Dear Friends,

In a shock announcement yesterday, the Real Democrat Party slandered the Social Democrat Party for not being very democratic. Party spokesperson Artela claimed “Melophore isn’t very democratic for the leader of a social democrat party. Join the real democrats for some real democracy! And chips!”

Leader of the Social Democrats, Melophore, replied “Well at least we’re social. Your last pub quiz night was a disaster, because you voted that the Earth had three moons and that potatoes grow on trees.”

What has Melophore ever done for us??

Splitter organisation, the People’s Democratic Party commented, saying “Who is this real democratic party run by eh? Their name is well ambiguous. Could be the Lizards Real Democrat Party for all I know”.

Lizard overlords?

Stumbling onto this mayhem came the Free Democrat Party. Once thought dead, the FDP has seen a sudden resurgence due to the recent high price of democracy. They were quoted saying “Our forefathers paid a hefty price for democracy, and as far as we’re concerned we’ve paid the mortgage off, the house is ours!”

the Free Democrats aren’t big on clothes

Finally the so called original party, the Real Social Party, was unavailable for comment and were last seen on their way to the Real Spamicans place for a right royal p*** up.


Iain 😒

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