A little explanation please, White House!

Day 1,696, 08:06 Published in USA Croatia by Arrlo

I moved to the USA very recently. Frankly, I think a move here for me has been a long time coming, as the foremost English speaking anti-ONE community. Some of you are my friends, some of you don't like me so much, some will have heard of me, and the happy few will be totally, blissfully ignorant to my existence. Until now.


So, I've become eAmerican, and I've recently applied to join the Marine Corps- I think this MU would be the right one for me, and fingers crossed will be able to participate with their community very soon.

On to bigger, badder matters.

I have always thought more highly of the eUSA than many of my peers in this game. Since I joined erepublik, European friends of mine have put considerable effort into casting the eUSA as the bad guy in this game. "They are arrogant, they think this is RL, they must be punished" is the popular refrain of the rabid anti-Americans, who seem to suffer from RL prejudice much more readily than any American I have met on the game does.

My experience of the USA as a friend during my time in alliance HQs was much more positive than the USA represented by the cowardly, sneaking administrations of the past few weeks. American presidents and military leaders valued their Terra allies in Western Europe, and supported direct confrontation with ONE enemies to help France or Germany, against stronger opponents, and they frequently prioritised the fights of their EDEN friends in Eastern Europe.

However, it seems that some snakes and/or crap-for-brains in the US community have either forgotten the close friendships they enjoy with EDEN and Terra, have become bored of the current alliance structure, or are simply treacherous by nature. You may decide which- I don't think that the root cause of their inconstancy matters very much. In any event these scheming people are useless as friends and allies.

smee's recent revelations have proven them to be utterly worthless as plotters too, with laughable cultural ignorance towards the communities of Eastern European countries. In the best case scenario for Evry, Tenshibo et al's reputations, they imagined the scumbag leaders of Poland were ready to abandon some very strong, friendly countries with easy routes to their core regions for a new alliance with Brazil and the USA. Did you honestly think that Poland was ready to unite the Balkans against them for you? And at worst, America's festering cabal was receptive to letting SPoland ease them into the full act, opening them up ready for full, brutal, thrusting MPPs from Serbia and Hungary.

Americans, is this the route you want for your country?

I've taken great comfort in the reaction from much of America's population in coming forth to denounce the moves to abandon old friends. Everyone makes mistakes in electing rotten apples from time to time, and your allies will understand this.

What we need now is total transparency on the process up until now. Name and shame the gutless worms who implicated themselves in a plot to ditch their allies. If they want to make nice with ONE, let them at least stand by their ugly convictions, and pay the price at the ballot box if America decides it does not want this kind of deceitful wretch to lead it.

I appreciate that many of you will be unsure as to what is going on given the risible, guilty silence from our blockhead president and his/her team who fudged this shambolic affair. No official release or apology has been forthcoming from the abject cowards in office - perhaps from rightful embarrassment, or perhaps they are too busy furiously planning a new alliance to save face. With all the adroitness and cunning displayed in the previous attempt, expect logs to be published soon revealing the plan for the USA to found a new alliance with Macedonia and Greece as cosignatories.

Spitting in the face of cowardly backroom dealings and fighting for the USA, Terra and EDEN since idek when, I remain

Your devoted friend,

Wall of text deserves boobage to end