Aкция ,,Бедни и богати,,[Край на събирането на средства]

Day 1,881, 14:52 Published in Bulgaria Bulgaria by dia761

Какво представлява ? Много просто : ) Има хора , които имат в излишък ресурси , но нямат време да правят раздавания. Има хора , които имат време , но нямат ресурси.Има и много млади играчи , които едвам свързват двата края и имат нужда от финансова помощ .Започвам събиране на средства , които ще раздам след няколко дни .Като за начало дарявам 100BGN.Събират се предимно парични средства , за да може всеки да прецени за какво да ги използва.
Вие сте : ))))

Заедно можем повече!!!!

Aкция ,,Бедни и богати,,


dia761 -100 BGN
kostanz has transferred 100 BGN to your account.
genata891 has transferred 2 Gold to your account - 673 BGN
Demon Lee - 20 000 k2 храна
Mr yOdA has transferred 700 BGN to your account.
draever has transferred 1000 BGN to your account.
Maineshen has transferred 1500 BGN to your account
Henykucm has transferred 50 BGN to your account.
Ko3aTa has transferred 650 BGN to your account.
Gligobadavar has transferred 500 Food to your storage. (k5)- 136 BGN
eng_bobo has transferred 1000 BGN to your account.
Iskrety has transferred 100 BGN to your account.
Iskrety has transferred 500 Food to your storage.(к2)
dark3If has transferred 10000 BGN to your account.
Valentin Krastev has transferred 500 BGN to your account.
PlamenBG has transferred 1000 BGN to your account.
Rokamballhas transferred 1000 BGN to your account.
Rokamball has transferred 500 Food to your storage.(к2)
Vadisz has transferred 100 BGN to your account.
mamamustara has transferred 100 BGN to your account.
mamamustara has transferred 30 Weapons to your storage.(k3)
mamamustara has transferred 500 Food to your storage.(k2)
3a 6upaTa Te yTenax has transferred 100 BGN to your account.
pr0gr3ss1v3r has transferred 1 Gold to your account.- 336 BGN
Demon Lee has transferred 5600 Food to your storage.(k2)
Ivacc has transferred 100 BGN to your account.
todoceb has transferred 100 BGN to your account.
Debell Sasho has transferred 3300 BGN to your account.
bastuna2003 has transferred 100 BGN to your account.
mittag has transferred 2500 BGN to your account.
Henykucm has transferred 50 BGN to your account.

25159 BGN
27100 k2 храна
30 к3 танка