Interview with Niall H

Day 696, 10:37 Published in Ireland Ireland by LordoIrish
1. So Niall how did you find eRepublik

I signed up for beta a long time ago through a link but was on a waiting list so didn't get in and quickly forgot about it. I rediscovered it one day when googling the internet for games and found a link to this so signed up.

2. Why did you join eIreland?

Im a Irish citizen living in the Uk so i thought i should be back in my home country in the eWorld at least

3. What kept you in the game?

Ive got to admit being a young citizen is boring but like in life i never give up so i thought mabye it would get better after a while and it did.

4. What were you first days like?

I was a two clicker until i was around level 10 not immersing myself in politics or reading newspapers, so it was very uneventful.

5. Who were your first friends?

My first friend has to be gordongekko.

6. How did they influence you?

He was my IDF CO at the time and the only person who messaged me. He coaxed me into getting more into politics and everything else. He has always been there for me since.

7. What was your first campaign run like?

Well my first campaign run was great i came 3rd overall on a pretty bad manifesto. I think this was because eIreland was small and there was hardly any manifestos put out for new players. I was amazed i made it in.

8. Do you enjoy being a member of Saoirse?

Yes its great. I still get a kick out of knowing i founded Soairse and its one of eIrelands top political parties.

9. Do you have any tips for new congressmen or people who plan to run?

Yes, has a unique flair and make sure you read other manifestos. What makes you noticable from the crowds is something unique in which you can play on. For me its always been my graphic skills/animations.

10. What are you main political views?

I believe we need to contantly exercise the IDF, which is a main idea of Saoirse too. Baby booms always happen in war and war creates a better and more active population in eIreland. I believe the setup of our government at the moment is very sucesseful and doesn't need to be changed for the time being.

11. What was your worst eRepublik moment?

My worst eRepublik moment has to be when i got banned for "multi accounts" at the same time as Vyse, i was level 16 and 3 times congressman called Niall-H. I was distraught as i was being account sitted (someone goes on your account and works and trains for you and nothing else) as i was 2 days away from a Hardworker medal. Lookin back i realise it was was silly of me to do this and i have learnt to "fear the wrath of the admins" now.

12. What was your greatest eRepublik moment?

My greatest eRepublik moment has to be when i remade Fianna Fail into Saoirse with Clownprince37, seeing it grow from 35 members back to 67 and the 3rd biggest party has been a great pleasure and still make me smile whenever i see Soaire mentioned.

13. How far do you see your political career going?

Well hopefully one day i will be President of eIreland, its a long way off but you have to plan ahead. I am definately staying in eIreland and helping younger citizens enter congress and the like for the time being. I can also see myself staying in Saoirse for the entire future, im looking forward to what eIreland can offer me!