Interview with Donovan Thomas

Day 691, 12:29 Published in Ireland Ireland by LordoIrish
1. So Donovan how did you find eRepublik

I had been looking for something like it for a while. Strangely enough I happened upon it while on I signed up that day and got sucked in immediately.

2. Why did you join eIreland?

I’m first generation Irish American. My parents are from Cork and my family has a long history in Ulster. Ireland is where my heart is and I will most likely retire there.

3. What kept you in the game?

Frankly it was a combination of the passion people exhibit and friends I met.

4. What were you first days like

I don’t think I two clicked at all. I jumped right in and started asking the “dumb” questions and commenting on articles. For the most part I received a great deal of help right from the start.

5. Who were your first friends?

If I remember correctly, Digits, Sean Power and Grainne Ni Mhaille and Kpeso.

6. How did they influence you?

They all encouraged me to be vocal. Digits went very far to help me answer the questions most of us take for granted. Grainne helped me understand the war module. All in all they were just very encouraging and friendly. Kpeso and I came up as together as noobs. We were born the same day and ended up as business partners.

7. Did you have any political idols?

Since I think politics is a necessary evil rather than a noble calling, I would have to say Digits; He more than anyone else guided me in an unbiased way. I saw him using logic more than emotion and trying to see both sides without involving party line nonsense; his manner more than any other mirrored my own beliefs.

8. What made you go into politics?

I think that to be most productive, one must be a renaissance man. I can’t understand congress if I have not sat in the chair. To claim otherwise would be hubris. I needed to see how well the cogs that run the great machine were greased and maintained. When you get down to it though I just want to serve the people and make eIreland as strong and safe as it can be.

9. What was your congress win like?

In a land where two votes will get you elected, receiving eighteen votes was humbling.

10. What made you run for president?

The reason for my presidential bid is similar to my reason getting into politics in general. I wanted to serve and saw October as my only opportunity in the next few months where I knew I could be online everyday in the manner the office deserved.

11. Why do you think you lost?

I just checked and I think it is because Patton got more votes. Just kidding. At the time that I decided to run Patton had not made his intentions for a second term public. When he did we spoke via PM and I made clear that it was not a direct challenge and we agreed to a clean race. Ultimately I lost because we did not need a new president. We already had a damn good one.

12. Do you think the right man won?

That’s a mother of a question, but the answer is yes.

13. Do you plan on running again?

It’s not in the cards anytime soon, but not out of the realm of possibility.

14. What is it like being Minister of Defence?

It’s a full time job. The majority of citizens don’t realize the breadth and scope of the job. From Foreign Affairs, constant pm’s with domestic and international soldiers, following all international news and analyzing trends in foreign congress and forums it’s no walk in the park. That said I would like to take another moment to thank General Grainne Ni Mhaille for her dedicated service. It is quite apparent to me that her diplomatic skills and connections alone have kept this Isle safer than our Brutes alone could do. We are blessed to have such a guardian and advocate.

15. Lastly, Do you want to say anything else?

Fight hard, Fight smart, Take care of your mates and never surrender. *salutes*