Edukacija: Bosnjaci (obavezno gradivo za sve eSrbe)

Day 691, 08:21 Published in Bosnia and Herzegovina Bosnia and Herzegovina by HUSEIN_KAPETAN_GRADASCEVIC

Dragi gradjani eBiH i eRegiona,

kroz mnoge diskusije, komentare i artikle uocavamo da neki od nasih susjeda (eSrbi) ne razlikuju Turke od najbrojnije etnicke grupe u eBiH, Bosnjaka.

Iz ovog razloga je veoma bitno ovu grupu ljudi edukovati u svrhu boljeg razumjevanja i dijaloga izmedju naroda.

Kao sto svi znamo (osim eDodika) naziv "Bosanac" pripada svim narodima koji zive na teritoriji eBiH.

Osvrnimo se sada na trenutak na pojam "Bosnjak".
Obzirom da ne zelim da uzimam clanke sa Wikipedije koji su pisani na Srpskom ili Hrvatskom jeziku, koji i nisu bas toliko objektivni jer govore o Bosnjacima kao islamiziranim srbima i hrvatima (LOL 😃)
odlucio sam se uzeti englesku verziju. U ovoj verziji, koja nije pisana samo za srbe ili dio hrvatskog stanovnistva stoji sljedece:

"The Bosniaks or Bosniacs
(Bosnian: Bošnjak, pl: Bošnjaci, pronounced [bɔːˈʃɲaːtsi])
are a South Slavic ethnic group, living mainly in Bosnia and Herzegovina, with a smaller autochthonous population also present in the Sandžak, Croatia, and the Republic of Macedonia. Bosniaks are typically characterized by their tie to the Bosnian historical region, traditional adherence to Islam, and common culture and language. In the English-speaking world, Bosniaks are also known as Bosnian Muslims or simply Bosnians which is slightly imprecise, because "Bosnian" refers to other ethnicities of Bosnia and Herzegovina as well.

Bosniaks are a Slavic people. Nevertheless, it is proposed that their 'genetic roots' are reflective of numerous pre-historic components, especially signatures thought to be 'autochthonous' to the Dinaric region, where the historical Illyrians later appeared. There are around two million Bosniaks living in the Balkans today. Once spread throughout the regions they inhabited, various instances of ethnic cleansing and genocide have had a tremendous effect on the territorial distribution of their population. Partially due to this, a notable Bosniak diaspora exists in a number of countries, including Austria, Germany, Australia, Sweden, Turkey and the United States. Both within the region and the outside world, Bosniaks are often noted for their unique culture, which has been influenced by both eastern and western civilizations and schools of thought over the course of their history.

According to the bosniac entry in the Oxford English Dictionary, the first known use of bosniak in English was in "1836 Penny Cycl. V. 231/1 The inhabitants of Bosnia are composed of Bosniaks, a race of Slavonian origin." and it arrived in English either via the French "Bosniaque", or the German "Bosniake", or the Russian "Bosnyak".

The earliest Bosnian "name" was the historical term "Bošnjanin" (Latin: Bosniensis), which signified any inhabitant of the medieval Bosnian kingdom. By the early days of Ottoman rule, the word had been replaced by "Bosniak" (Bošnjak). No consensus exists as to whether the word Bosniak emerged as a Turkified variation of the old Slavic Bošnjanin or as a local linguistic progression where the suffix "-iak" replaced the traditional "-anin". The Bosniaks derive their ethnic name from Bosona (Bosnia), which has been proposed to have an Illyrian origin.[24] [25]

For the duration of Ottoman rule, the word Bosniak came to refer to all inhabitants of Bosnia; Turkish terms such as "Bosniak-milleti", "Bosniak-kavmi", and "Bosniak-taifesi", were used in the Empire to describe Bosnians in an ethnic or "tribal" sense. However, the concept of nationhood was foreign to the Ottomans at that time - not to mention the idea that Muslims and Christians of some military province could foster any common sur-confessional sense of identity. The inhabitants of Bosnia called themselves various names: from Bosniak, in the full spectrum of the word's meaning with a foundation as a territorial designation, through a series of regional and confessional names, all the way to modern-day national ones."

Dakle drago eSrpsko stanovnistvo ove igre. Ukoliko zelite da saznate vise o Bosnjacima i njihovoj bogatoj historiji, upucujem vas dalje na site Wikipedia pod pojam Bosnjaci. Zelite li u drugu ruku jednu verziju pisanu od strane nekih eMilosevica ili toga slicno trazite ovaj isti clanak na vasem jeziku. 😃

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