Party President Elections

Day 665, 08:34 Published in Philippines Philippines by Swagger McSwag
Philippines <3 EZEX Lacroa

Philippines <3 Hekter

Philippines <3 Divinitywolf

Philippines <3 Slothen

Philippines <3 joshjoson

...And that's just the way it is.

*Ariel shrugs*:

Anwyen, Zofiel and Co., welcome to the Philippines!

Link to the national forums:

I hope your intentions are good. If they are, you will have a place here like so many who have come before you.

If not, well, you probably came to the wrong country.

Even though our population is small, the political establishment is very entrenched. Our community is very close-knit and the political parties are united together by a spirit of cooperation and mutual desire to make this nation great.

That means coming out of nowhere 5 minutes before the elections and running for party president is probably a very bad idea and will most likely be met with extreme suspicion.

So, there will be no shortcuts to your rise to prominence. You guys need to take the scenic route like us.

BTW, some neat avatars, you've got there.

President of the Philippines

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