I fell asleep again so I couldn't start the war games x.x

Day 657, 19:16 Published in Philippines Philippines by Swagger McSwag

Dear Australians, Chinese, Filipinos, Italians, Malaysians, Singaporeans, Slovakians, South Africans, Thais, and other free people of the world,

I was supposed to start the games by 11:30 (2:30am in the Philippines), but when I woke up it was already past 12:40 (3:40am in the Philippines), so I figured it would be better if I didn't start the games all together.

This is the second time this has happened, so I deeply and sincerely apologize to all those inconvenienced.

We're currently in discussions for reaching a much more tenable solution to this problem, and should not affect any more wargames in the future.

Anyway, I will start the games tomorrow or the day after. This time, I will do whatever it takes to start it ON TIME.

Once again, my apologies.

Philippine President