Inaugural Green Party Newsletter

Day 642, 11:29 Published in Singapore Singapore by Boethiah
Green Leaf? Gettit?

Ohh deear

Anyway, since this is the first newsletter under the new guise, it'd be best to say why they change.

So why the change?

I'm glad you asked.

Firstly I feel that green party ideology is more in line with the manifesto I wrote for the party.

I read up a bit on the green parties and one common ideology is Grass roots(doh) Democracy (it said that on wikipedia I didn't make it up) that means everyone gets involved.
I'm a bit of a Hippy.
Anarchy is waaay too serious for me.

So down to updates, with Congressionals in one days time(!!!) we have one candidate standing for us.

-Whispering Elizabeth.
So I wish her the best of Luck and she isn't well atm so hope she feels better soon!
(Vote for her woooo!!!)

We've had some new members and some leave, so welcome to the new members!!! And I hope anyone thats left has fun with wherever they go!!! ^____^

If you do wanna join this party, feel free, message me if you wanna get involved too, like I said I appreciate the help.


I mentioned this on the forum, but I need help if its gonna work, I want to help people learn about the eCounty's history. So I want to start an ad campaign with links to important articles that explain events as they happened. That'd be cool.

Umm thats really. I'm rubbish at maths so no maths from me. APOS seem like really smart people though, they look like they'll be a real asset.

So finally thanks for reading, hopefully I'll do newsletters every so often for party members and anyone else who cares to read.

When I return to Uni I might be more busy but hopefully it won't be too hectic for me.

*edit* I started a thread for the party, Till a proper subforum is made.

Oh and of course to Join click here