[STUDY] (Atlantis) EDEN vs FORTIS vs PEACE vs AHA vs Neutrals [eGdB]

Day 634, 10:44 Published in Romania Romania by Firilacroco

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After five months from the last study, I decided to revive dani36's project and here you have its results.

Again: what is this project about? – The reason of this project is to determine which is the most powerful alliance in the New World.

From his last article I should mention that ATLANTIS has divided into two smaller alliances: EDEN (European Defense & Economic Network) and FORTIS.

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Click for the STUDY -> EDEN vs FORTIS vs PEACE vs AHA vs Neutrals

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A chart representing the statistic’s result:


1. As you’ve probably expected, PEACE is now the MOST POWERFUL ALLIANCE in the New World with 397069,96 strength points
2. Indonesia has the highest real total strength, followed by Hungary and the USA
3. EDEN has 7 members, FORTIS has 3, PEACE 18 (+7, also AHA members), AHA 9 and 22 countries are Neutral
4. France is the biggest country after the population number with 20048 citizens
5. Indonesia has the best average strength with 5,25
6. South Africa has the lowest average strength with 2,16
7. South Africa is also the weakest country in the new world with 660,96 strength points

P.S. The informations are not 100% exactly because the citizens can move around the world to fight.

The last update to the chart was made on the 15th of August, at 10:00 P.M.

For eGazeta de Brasov

If you enjoyed it, please SUBSCRIBE at eGazeta de Brasov for more nice stats about the New World!

P.P.S. I don’t want to see comments like: "You are a thief!" or "This was dani36’s idea and you stole it!". Yes, it was his idea, and a very nice one too. As long as he doesn’t play eRepublik, I’ve decided to continue with this type of stats because nobody’s doing them anymore and they are great. Thank you!

P.P.P.S. Some of AHA's members are also PEACE members so don't worry if you can't find them on the PEACE members list.

P.P.P.P.S. Thank you for all your votes and your help for everybody to see this article!!!

P.P.P.P.P.S. The second edition of this study will be available on the 1st of September!

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